Here are some helpful steps on getting started with Drupal digital signage

  • If you are interested in having a digital display in your area contact the Drupal Digital Signage Support Team to help coordinate getting a display in your area (
  • If you do not have hardware to run your sign, we recommend purchasing an Intel stick (mini-computer that runs your sign).
    • The Digital Signage Support Team will make sure this stick is configured with our digital signage image and working for you.
    • Visit the Equipment Getting Started page for more information.
  • You will need a TV to run your sign as well as power and networking to the TV and computer.  Network Services will be able to assist you in recommending a TV as well as running networking and power to your devices.
  • After your sign has been added to the system, you will receive an email with the next steps. This email will include your login information as well as a getting started guide for Drupal digital signage. 
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