Here are some basic instructions on how to take screenshots for use on the ITS website. 


Use red boxes or red circles to indicate what the user needs to click. 

Use a line or box the same color as the background (usually white) to block out sensitive information. 

Make sure images and other visual elements are downloaded and fully displayed. 

You are welcome to use whatever software you like to take screenshots, but whatever you produce for the ITS website must meet these guidelines.

See below for an example and some methods that are quick and easy to use.

Example of what the screenshot should look like - red box, white used to block out sensitive info


  1. Hit command + shift + 5 (if you just want to select a portion quickly, command + shift + 4) 
  2. Choose to Capture Entire Screen, Selected Window, or Selected Portion. 
  3. Click Capture, then click the screenshotted image that appears in the lower right. 
  4. Outline what the user needs to click using Shapes by selecting either the left oval or the left rectangle. Change the Border Color to red. 
  5. Block out sensitive information using Shapes by selecting the left rectangle. Change the Border Color to the same as the background (usually white).  
  6. Click Done. It will save as a PNG. 

Note: this method requires Windows 10 version 17636.0 or higher (October 2018 update), so you may need to update your workstation. Snip & Sketch can be installed from the Microsoft Store. 

  1. Open Snip & Sketch by searching for it from the taskbar. 

  2. Click New or hit Ctrl+N and select Rectangular clip to select a section of the screen or choose Full-screen clip to capture an entire window. 

  3. Draw red boxes or circles around what the user needs to click. Select the Ballpoint pen and select Red (one to the right and one down). A good Size is 2. Select the Ruler. Move it by dragging the mouse; adjust the angle by scrolling with the mouse or using touchpad scroll gestures. Use the Ruler as a straight edge to draw red boxes around what the user needs to click. 0 & 90 degrees. If you want to draw red circles, select the Protractor from the Ruler’s drop-down menu and use the same process. 

  4. Use the Ballpoint pen and the Ruler to block out sensitive information. You can also use Shapes. Use the same color as the background. 

  5. Save as a JPG. 

  1. Open Snipping Tool by searching for it from the taskbar.  
  2. Choose Rectangular Snip to select a section of the screen or choose Window Snip to capture an entire window.  
  3. Save as a JPG. 
  4. Open Paint by searching for it from the taskbar. 
  5. File > Open > Select your JPG. 
  6. Outline what the user needs to click by selecting either the oval or the rectangle from the Shapes section. Make sure the Outline is set to Solid color and the Fill is set to No fill. Change the color to the bright red displayed on the screen (it is automatic but if you need the values: Red 255, Sat 240, Lum 120).  
  7. Block out sensitive information by selecting the rectangle from the Shapes section. Set the Outline and Fill to Solid color. If the background is white, then use the automatic white color. If not, use the Color picker (eyedropper) Tool and click the background to select its color.  
  8. Save as a JPG. 
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