Note: Only departmental administrators can access the ITS Laptop & Projector Rental system. If you are unable to login to the system with your HawkID and password, see this support article for more information.
- Go to and login with your HawkID and password.
- Click on the link RESERVE EQUIPMENT on the left-hand side.
- To reserve for a specific time period, choose the start and end date (Equipment may be reserved for a maximum of 14 days at one time.) of which you want to reserve the equipment. Then click filter. (This will show you the equipment that is available during that time). Type in the Pickup Contact. This is the person that will be picking up the equipment for you.
- If you want to reserve a specific piece of equipment, click the link that matches the equipment you want to reserve and it will show you when it is available for reservations. Choose the available dates that you would like to reserve it for and type in the Pickup Contact.
- Click on the link that corresponds to the equipment you want to reserve.
- Choose which MFK you want the equipment to be billed under.
- If you do not have an MFK in the system, click on the link at the left of the page that says ADD MFK. Type in your MFK information. Then click ADD MFK. Once you have added the MFK you are able to reserve equipment.
- To see a list of your MFK’s available to bill under, click LIST MFKs.
- To see your reservations, click on the link at the left of the page labeled MY RESERVATIONS. If you click on the drop box that currently says ALL, you can filter through your pending, checked out, and completed reservations.
- If you need to delete a reservation, under the PENDING reservations you can click delete to the right of the reservation.
- On the day the reservation begins, come to 2800 UCC between 8am and 5pm, Monday thru Friday with your University ID and driver’s license. The receptionists will be able to check out the equipment for you. Make sure that all accessories are included with your equipment and that you have a copy of the receipt stating you have picked up the equipment.
- On the end day of your reservation, bring in the equipment with all accessories to 2800 UCC along with your University ID and driver’s license. Let the receptionist know if anything is wrong with the equipment or if the equipment is damaged in any way. Make sure you have a copy of the receipt stating that you have returned the equipment.