Images and non-text elements

  • All <img> and <area> elements include ALT attributes
  • ALT attributes provide content and functionality (i.e., linking, focusability) equivalent to the <img> or <area> element
  • Long text descriptions are provided for non-text elements that require detailed explanation
  • Decorative images include empty ALT text (alt="") and no TITLE attribute
  • Images included using CSS (e.g., background images, list-style-images) do not convey important information or functionality, including navigation or branding
  • Embedded and other objects (e.g., multimedia, applets, Flash components, etc.) are accompanied by appropriate text alternatives and references
  • Pages with visual CAPTCHAs include CAPTCHAs that use a different modality
Article number: 
Last updated: 
May 19, 2016