IDL (Interactive Data Language) software is the trusted scientific programming language used to create meaningful visualizations out of complex numerical data.
How to Obtain
Package(s) and pricing
IDL (exp 8/31/2025) $80.00
How do you obtain the software
ITS Software/Technology Order Form
Contact your department IT support person(s) with your proof of license.
Health Care users should contact the HCIS Help Desk with proof of license after purchase.
Additional information to obtain the software
Form to add/remove/change users for a current license.
Support and Training
Vendor Support
Vendor Support
UI Support Contact (CLAS Physics Dept,
License Restrictions
Who Can Use
How can the software be used
Academic (teaching purposes)
Academic Research (UI funded research)
Where can the software be used
UI owned Systems On Campus
UI owned Systems Off Campus
About Software
Vendor: NV5 Geospatial Solutions, Inc.
Type of License
Annual (expires annually, eligible for upgrades during that year)
Single Install License (Single install allowed)
Network (controlled at network level, multiple users at any given time, 2 network licenses = max. 2 users at any given time)
License Renewal Date
Jul 31 2025
Agreement Information
Agreement Name
Special negotiated license for campus use.
Evaluation Date
Jul 15 2023
Risk Category
Some Risk
Additional License Information
Export concerns: Use of the software cannot involve users from any of the embargoed countries. List of countries: