Minitab is data analysis software widely used in many industries.
How to Obtain
Package(s) and pricing
Minitab (exp 8/2025): $100.00
How do you obtain the software
ITS Software/Technology Order Form
Additional information to obtain the software
Options for end users:
- Option 1 (Windows and Mac)- Log in and access Minitab online (
- Option 2 (Windows only) - Download Minitab 20 to your desktop ( and then log in to access Minitab Windows only desktop. Any user can log in to any installed version so you can install it as many times in as many places as you or they like.
This tool uses Single Sign On so if necessary when The University of Iowa branded screen appears for the SSO authentication, that will require, just like everything else on campus (Cherwell, Access Management, Employee Self-service, etc.)
Form to add, remove and change end users.
Support and Training
Vendor Support
Minitab Support
Minitab Teaching Resources
License Restrictions
Who Can Use
Where can the software be used
UI owned Systems On Campus
UI owned Systems Off Campus
Faculty & Staff Home Use (personally owned system)
About Software
Vendor: Minitab Inc.
Type of License
Annual (expires annually, eligible for upgrades during that year)
Single User License (One user, may include several installs)
License Renewal Date
Aug 31 2025
Agreement Information
Agreement Name
Evaluation Date
Aug 31 2023
Risk Category
Some Risk
Additional License Information
The technology you have elected to purchase or obtain may tend to pose barriers to participation for some users, and it is recommended that you and your IT support person submit an Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan and be completed before deployment of this technology. Purchasing and Procuring Accessible Technology.
Audit language, please review the agreement language and ensure that your usage complies.
Cloud Computing information. Approved for use with non-sensitive data. If this tool is web or cloud-based your IT support person(s) should work with the Identity Management team to set up single sign-on. If this is not an option, use passwords separate from the user’s University Hawk/Healthcare IDs.
Ensure no regulated data is passed to the cloud server without additional review (FERPA, HIPAA, FDA, etc.)