Two-Step Login works like this:
Step one: Enter your HawkID and HawkID password to start the process.
Step two: Use a mobile phone or other device in your possession to complete your login.
ITS strongly recommends the Duo Mobile app (available for smartphones and tablets) for all users. It’s the fastest, easiest, most affordable, and most flexible option available.
First, you enter your HawkID and password to access an application (Employee Self-Service, MAUI, ICON, MyUI, Office 365, etc.) with Two-Step Login enabled. Next, if you have Duo Push notifications enabled with the Duo Mobile app, it will automatically send you a push notification to approve. If you do not have Duo Push enabled, or if you click Other Options, then you will be presented with a list of Duo authentication methods to choose from. Next, you will have the option to trust the browser if it is your device.

Available methods vary depending on the device you select.
- “Duo Push” will send a push notification to the Duo Mobile app on the device you’ve selected. Tap “Accept” in the app to complete the login (or tap “Deny” to decline). We recommend using push notifications to the Duo App as your primary login method—they'll save you time and save the university any charges associated with phone call and text methods.
- "Duo Mobile passcode" allows you to enter a passcode from the Duo Mobile app on the device you've selected.
- "Text message passcode" will send you a one-time passcode via text message to the device you've selected.
- “Phone call” triggers a voice call to the device/phone number you’ve suggested. Answer the call and follow the instructions to complete the login: Press "1" to complete authentication or "9" to cancel authentication and report the authentication attempt as fraud. Note that authentication by phone call results in a charge to the university—we recommend using push notifications to the Duo Mobile app as your default login method, reserving phone calls for backup purposes.
- “Bypass code” requires you to enter a passcode given to you by the ITS Help Desk.
Clicking "Yes, this is my device" will identify the computer and web browser you’re using as a trusted device. You’ll be able to login with only your HawkID and password whenever you use the same computer/browser combination over the next 30 days.
Important note: If you receive a Two-Step Login verification request when you’re not attempting to log in, be sure to deny the request. It could indicate that an unauthorized user is trying to access your account.