Available to
IT Professionals
See Details

Password vault uses software application from Click Studios called Passwordstate. Passwordstate is a web-based solution for the secure management of passwords, certificates, and documents for both individuals and teams of people. The role based administration of the AES-256 encrypted centralized vault has end-to-end event auditing, AD integration, API, and enterprise scalability for password storage and collaborations. Web access is not a single vault key but Multi-factor Authentication with University approved AD account and DUO. Password list control and visibility is at the user/group discretion.

Passwordstate allows to insure you have a strong, unique password for every account. It is easy to forget passwords when working with more than hand full. Passwordstate’s password generator and policy enforcement will help you not to fall in the insecure traps of passwords that are too short, repeating characters, phrases, and personal information that all can be easily guessed vulnerable to a dictionary attack tool. Custom templates for complying with the Universities’ Enterprise Password Policy (https://its.uiowa.edu/hawkid/password ) are available. 



Training videos available from the software vendor, Click Studios: Click Studios - YouTube

Current Status

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Past 90 Days

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Password Vault Contact Information

This service is provided by the ITS Enterprise Infrastructure, in partnership with ITS Enterprise Services. For individual or department use, or if you experience problems with accessing your passwords, please contact the ITS Help Desk for assistance.