Business Hours Support

During Business Hours Support

  1. Contact your primary systems administrator in the MAS-Core team (via phone, email or IM), or MAS-Core Team Lead directly. Within the contact method, provide the following information:
    • Server or service that is impacted and scope of the issue or outage
    • When did the problem begin and when did it last work correctly
    • Contact information to communicate with team requesting support – phone and email preferred
  2. EI-MAS-Core on-call admin or your primary sysadmin will review the initial request and contact the customer if appropriate or discuss with Core Team Lead to determine who is available to help with troubleshooting.
    • Availability to provide support is dependent on staff availability but existing CAS customers have priority service.
    • It is our goal to be able to respond within 60 minutes to requests, but there may be times when it takes longer due to other issues getting resolved.
  3. EI-MAS-Core staff will work on the issue at hand and will communicate with the provided service contacts. At times it will be more efficient to be on a joint call to resolve the issue. 
  4. Upon successfully correcting the problem, the EI-MAS-Core administrator will write a brief summary of the work performed and send it to the EI-MAS-Core Director.

After Hours Support

If our customers detect a problem with their service or application that they feel could be helped by involving an EI-MAS-Core systems administrator, they are encouraged to follow this process to get after-hours support: 

  1. Call the ITS HelpDesk (ITS-HD) support desk at 319-384-HELP. This is a 24x7 service. 
  2. When talking with the ITS-HD support staff (or leaving a message for callback), please let them know the following information: 
    • You are a customer of EI-CAS and need after-hours support 
    • Your contact information (phone preferred) for the EI-MAS-Core on-call admin to contact you 
    • The name of the service having issues 
    • Description of the issues you are experiencing 
    • Impact of the problem 
  3. The ITS-HD support staff will create an incident in the ticketing system and contact the EI-MAS-Core on-call administrator for the on-call admin to take action 
  4. Within 60 minutes of the contact from ITS-HD, the EI-MAS-Core on-call sysadmin will begin working on the issue and will be in contact with the customer via the contact information provided in step 2 above.  
    • A responsible party, likely the person that contacted ITS-HD, will need to be available to test and verify application functionality with the EI-MAS-Core on-call administrator 
  5. Once resolution is reached and verified by the customer, the EI-MAS-Core administrator will close the ticket 
  6. Within 24 hours of incident resolution, the EI-MAS-Core administrator will write a brief summary of the work performed and the number of hours required to fix the issue(s) and send it to the EI-MAS-Core Team Lead.
Last updated
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