The use of words such as “will” or “shall” indicate a strong preference and/or expectation. However, nothing listed below is so absolute that it couldn’t be altered and still result in a successful partnership. For sure, some items would require more “convincing” than others.

The documentation below is applicable to LC14 & ITF. However, in the Research rows at ITF, there are significant Mechanical, Electrical and Plant (MEP) differences requiring that server-hosting configurations in those spaces be more conversation/project based.

The colocation server-hosting service at the University of Iowa will be most effective if based on the concept of a partnership. A partnership means an honest, concerted and intentional effort, which the ITS Data Centers team will take the lead on, toward collaboration with potential colocation partners – the deep, respectful and trusting type of collaboration that will make most of what’s written here seem self-evident.

I. The ITS EI Data Centers Team expects the following:

  • Our standard cabinet will be installed and grounded.
  • Our standard PDUs will be installed, configured, and managed. This infrastructure shall be the source of all power for devices in the cabinet. For example:
    • No partner supplied UPS devices are to be used in these cabinets.
    • No power strips powered from outlets on ITS provided PDUs are to be installed.
  • Our standard KVM (Keyboard, Video, & Mouse) infrastructure will be provided in each cabinet.
    • Serial based KVM connections are available upon request
  • We anticipate a limited number of single power supply devices, these will be handled using our standard Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS). We hope to limit those devices to a minimum number of cabinets.
  • Power use will not exceed 5 kW per cabinet – Data Centers will monitor and manage that limitation. The Research rows at ITF are an exception to this rule.
  • PDU and KVM network connectivity will follow ITS standard practices
  • Connectivity to PDU and KVM infrastructure will use active directory enabled groups to manage access rights.
  • There is a strong preference to limit physical access to the data centers to escorted access only. We have tools and processes that mitigate the impact of this restriction.
  • If physical access is a strong requirement, the Data Center team will work with you on options.
  • Servers should have BIOS configured to auto power-on after power failure/restore (for remote power cycling via CC-SG)
  • Other devices that can be configured for auto power on via IPMI/iDRAC/HMC/etc. should be configured as such
  • For devices that do not have the ability to auto power on, we will need to discuss service level expectations.
  • Systems and data backups are recommended and the responsibility of the colocation partner. Central services are available for this purpose.

II. Colocation Partner and ITS Data Centers collaboration expectations:

  • The Data Centers team will schedule and meet with the colocation partner to plan the move
    • For first time colocation partners, this might involve a couple meetings to get all the details nailed down
    • For existing partners, there is an expectation of advance planning and notification
  • There should be a discussion to analyze and determine if virtualization, an existing service or Cloud services is an option. ITS staff are willing, with some time limitations applicable, to jointly work with colocation partners to help virtualize or shift to an existing service instead of colocating a physical server.
    • There is a strong preference to locate physical colocation server-hosting at ITF.
  • Devices that can’t be virtualized shall be rack mountable.
  • Devices will be taken out of existing cabinets and installed in ITS provided cabinets. Positioning devices within the cabinet will be a collaborative effort, except that all above requirements are adhered to.
  • The Data Center Hosting team will either perform or direct the mounting, cabling, labeling and documenting of all devices added to colocation cabinets. Collaboration with the colo-partner in accomplishing this phase is welcome and expected.
  • Secure (restricted access) storage for spare parts, tools, even full systems is available at ITS enterprise data centers. For large volume, short-term storage needs, arrangements are necessary.

III. Ongoing support and management processes and expectations:

  • Additions and removal of devices to/from cabinets shall follow the above two sections of expectations, advance notice and planning.
  • The Data Center team has developed and documented a Remote Hands service and process for enterprise, multi-tenant data centers. The Data Center Hosting team has been highly successful in working with ITS Research Services and colocation partners on a documented and pre-defined process to perform computing system problem investigations, parts change-outs, and upgrades that require hands-on access.
  • ITS Data Centers has developed a Data Center Guide Service (DCGS) and process for enterprise, multi-tenant data centers. The goal of DCGS is to responsively accommodate emergency, unplanned data center visits by colocation partners on a 24 hours a day by 7 days a week basis.
  • The Information Technology Facility (ITF) operations team has a documented Shipping & Receiving process, including tracking and notification, to receive and ship equipment. The address is 2263 Old Farmstead Road, Coralville, Iowa 52241. Please make prior arrangements so we can be prepared and looking for your shipment.
  • Communication as a heads up to the Data Center Hosting team when troubleshooting issues is helpful and a good thing. We want to know when you are experiencing issues so we can be prepared to assist. If the colo-partner has access to the facility, and troubleshooting involves any alteration to infrastructure noted in the above two sections, the Data Center Hosting team’s involvement is required.
  • Colo-partners that have been granted electronic access to ITS enterprise data centers shall not escort individuals (UI or Vendor) that don’t already have authorized electronic access, without prior approval from a member of the ITS Data Centers team.
Last updated
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