When will BitBucket be retired?

February 15, 2019: The GitLab replacement service went live for all campus users.

February 15 - May 15, 2019: You are asked to migrate your projects from BitBucket to GitLab. If you need assistance with this process, please email us at git-support@uiowa.edu.

May 15, 2019: All users should have migrated their data to GitLab and ceased using BitBucket.

May 31, 2019: BitBucket will be retired, and access will be shut off.

Can I use GitLab pages with my project?

This feature is currently disabled for the initial service offering but will be re-evaluated at a future point. Find more information about Gitlab pages administration.

How do I migrate from BitBucket?

The recommended approach is to use GitLab's import feature that we link to, below. Beyond their documentation, please keep in mind the following considerations before proceeding:

  1. Please ensure that user access is established and that the destination GitLab groups and subgroups exist, first. It is somewhat more challenging to move things around after they have been imported.
  2. Other import methods. There are other ways to import a repository, but the feature, below, imports more than just the git-specific information like tags, branches, etc.
  3. For a large number of repositories, it is best to import one repository at a time to avoid time-out errors. It may even be a good opportunity to do some clean-up, normalization, or archiving.
  4. Be sure to select the appropriate group when importing a repository. You can move a repository after import, but it takes more work. Contact git-support@uiowa.edu if you need assistance.
  5. Paging issues. Paging with the import tool is buggy. You'll need to locate a repository by editing the URL with your best guess at where it is, and converging via binary search.
  6. After you have migrated your project from BitBucket, delete the project from BitBucket to signify to the service team that migration is complete.

Warning: Before deleting a repository from BitBucket, be sure you no longer need anything from the BitBucket project as recovery will not be possible. 

If you are ready, please proceed to use GitLab's import feature.

How do I add an SSH Deploy Key?

I already have a deploy key

If you have a deploy key from Stash/BitBucket, you will need to convert it to OpenSSH format. The easiest way is to use an online converter. Be sure to paste only the public key, not the private one.

Alternatively, you can use PuttyGen to import and convert a key.

I need to create a deploy key

Please follow the GitLab instructions for creating an OpenSSH-formatted deploy key.

Can I use Active Directory (AD/LDAP) to control group membership?

Yes, you can use an LDAP filter to specify your users. Warning: Please try this on a subgroup before applying it to a top-level group so you don't accidentally remove your own access! When you switch to LDAP membership management, existing members will be removed.

Can we use GitLab's CI/CD?

Yes, but note that ITS does not provide centralized support for CI/CD. You would need to set up your own runners per GitLab's documentation.

Can I create project issues by email?

Unfortunately our license doesn't permit us access to this feature.

Which GitLab should I use?

GitLab Academic is for research and education use, and GitLab Administrative is for UI Professional IT staff.

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