In order to log into a machine you will need to be connected to the network in order for the machine to create an account for you on the computer. A variety of issues can cause things to happen that prevent this from taking place. In most cases they can be solved by trying some of these troubleshooting tips.
Troubleshooting Tips
- On the front of the laptop by the right hinge there are several lights. Make sure the Wi Fi light is on. If it is not, there might be a switch on the left side of the laptop that turns the wireless card on and off. Switch it on and the Wi Fi light will come on. Try to log on again.
- Restart the computer. Some computers can be on for long lengths of time and need a restart.
- If you are still having problems connect the computer to a network cable, login and when it is connected remove the cable and it should stay connected.
If none of these options work the computer will need to be re-imaged. Please let the support staff in the area or the helpdesk know the computer name so it can be taken care of.