Copyright violations will result in the disabling of an individuals wireless access rights (if on the Eduroam network) or the data port being shut off (in ResNet or University buildings).

For Eduroam violations, you will receive a letter indicating the file and file sharing program that are the cause of the violation, along with instructions for how to re-enable Eduroam access rights. Bring the letter and your computer to the ITS Help Desk (location and hours) and the Help Desk will verify the file and program have been removed from your computer.

For ResNet violations, all room occupants will receive a letter indicating the Media Access Control (MAC) address of the computer identified as the cause of the violation.  (See how to find the MAC address on your computer.)  The owner of the computer will need to bring the letter and the computer to the ITS Help Desk (location and hours) and the Help Desk will verify the file and program have been removed from your computer.

For University building network ports (not in the Residence Halls), you should contact your Departmental IT person or your Departmental secretary.

Contact the ITS Help Desk at 319-384-4357 or for more information or questions.

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