A subscriber can unsubscribe from a list by email or through the web interface.    L-Soft Video tutorial for unsubscribing from a list

To unsubscribe via email:

  1. Address an email message to listserv@list.uiowa.edu
  2. Put the following in the body of the message: signoff listname
  3. Do not include your name or email address in the body of the message

Note: if you wish to unsubscribe from all lists, you can use the command signoff * (signoff followed by a space and an asterisk) 

To unsubscribe through the web interface:

  1. Login to  LISTSERV
  2. Select the list you wish to unsubscribe from
  3. Click the options icon 
    options lines icon
  4. Select Subscribe or Unsubscribe
  5. Click the Unsubscribe (listname) button. 



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