Sizelim=30M is the default for new lists. The list owner can change this limit in the list configuration settings (see Changing the size of attachments for your list)

This limit includes the size of the message itself and all attachments. The limits are in place to help subscribers from having to deal with extremely large messages, which can put them over quota and cause problems with mail access. 

Rather than sending large attachments, we encourage you to save attachments on the web and send the URL in the e-mail. ITS provides web space for departments, recognized student organizations, faculty, staff, and students and class web space. For more information, visit:

If a message comes in larger than the size limit, the message is rejected by LISTSERV and an error message is sent to the sender.

Below is an example message:

From: "L-Soft list server at University of Iowa (1.8e)" <LISTSERV@LIST.UIOWA.EDU>
Subject: Rejected posting to LISTNAME@LIST.UIOWA.EDU

Your message cannot be distributed to the LISTNAME list because it exceeds
the maximum message size of 100k. This limit has been set by the list owner and
does not necessarily apply to the other lists hosted at LIST.UIOWA.EDU. If you
have any questions, please contact the list owner, who can be reached at

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