1. Login to LISTSERV with your Listserv email address and password
  2. Select the list you want to update
  3. Click Mail Templates
  4. Click the down arrow in the Select Template Category field.
  5. Select Top and Bottom Banners
  6. Click the down arrow in the Select Template field and choose (*) Bottom banner for HTML postings [BOTTOM_BANNER_HTML] 
  7. Click Edit Template.
  8. Copy this text into the template (if there is already text there, you can choose to replace the text or add this as additional text)

.CS windows-1252


You are subscribed as &*TO;

To unsubscribe, click the following link:

&*TICKET_URL(LISTNAME,SIGNOFF);       (Change LISTNAME to your list name)

  1. Click Update to save changes.  

NOTE:  Some recipients may have to copy/paste the unsubscribe URL in their browser because it isn't a clickable link when they receive it.



To change the bottom banner to add a link for users to easily unsubscribe from your list:

  1. Login to LISTSERV with your Listserv email address and password
  2. Select the list you want to update
  3. Click Mail Templates
  4. Click the down arrow in the Select Template Category field.
  5. Select Top and Bottom Banners
  6. Click the down arrow in the Select Template field.
  7. Click (*) Bottom banner for plain text  postings [BOTTOM_BANNER]. 
  8. Copy this text into the template (if there is already text there, you can choose to replace the text or add this as additional text)

.CS windows-1252

To unsubscribe from the list, send a blank email message to &


.BB (&LITEFE = 0) and (&KWD(MAIL-MERGE,1) = YES)
You are subscribed to this list as: &*TO;


  1. Click Update to save changes.
  2. NOTE: the &LISTNAME will automatically be replaced with the ListName of your list so you do not need to change it in the lines given above.
  3. Next, click the down arrow in the Select Template field and choose (*) Bottom banner for HTML postings [BOTTOM_BANNER_HTML] 
  4. Click Edit Template.
  5. Copy this text into the template (if there is already text there, you can choose to replace the text or add this as additional text)

.CS windows-1252
<br />
<p align="center">
To unsubscribe from the list send a blank email message to &LISTNAME-signoff-request@LIST.UIOWA.EDU
<br />
.BB (&LITEFE = 0) and (&KWD(MAIL-MERGE,1) = YES)
<br />
You are subscribed to this list as: &*TO;

  1. Click Update to save changes.  NOTE: the &LISTNAME will automatically be replaced with the ListName of your list so you do not need to change it in the lines given above.
Last updated
Article number