See the List Owner's Manual section 12.13 Setting Up Lists for Specific Purposes for more detailed information.

See the following L-Soft Video tutorials for instructions:

For online help about each keyword:

  1. Log In to LISTSERV
  2. Click List Configuration
  3. Click Show All Keywords
  4. Select the desired keyword
  5. Scroll down for detailed help


Review the LISTSERV 17.0 List Keyword Reference.

How do I setup a Public Discussion List? (Anyone can subscribe & post)

Set the list configuration settings to:

Subscription = Open,Confirm
Send = Public,Confirm
Notebook = ......,Private

This configuration will:

  • Allow anyone to subscribe to the list (Subscription = Open).
  • A confirmation e-mail will be sent to the subscriber (Subscription = ...., Confirm).
  • Anyone can to post directly to the list (Send=Public).
  • A confirmation e-mail will be sent to the sender (Send = ...., Confirm).
  • Only list members can view the list archives. (Notebook=....,Private).

See the List Owner's Manual section 2.13 Setting Up Lists for Specific Purposes for more detailed information.

How do I setup a Private Discussion List? (Anyone can subscribe with owner approval, but only list members can post)

Set the list configuration settings to:

Subscription = By_Owner,Confirm
Send = Private,Confirm
Notebook = ......,Private

This configuration will:

  • Subscription requests are forwarded to the list owner (Subscription=By_ Owner) after the requestor confirms that they sent the request (Subscription=....,Confirm).
  • Only list members can post directly to the list (Send=Private). Other messages will bounce to the sender.
  • Only list members can view the list archives. (Notebook=....,Private)

See the List Owner's Manual section 2.13 Setting Up Lists for Specific Purposes for more detailed information.

How do I setup a Basic Edited (Moderated) List? (Only listed editors can post; all other messages are sent to the first editor for approval)

A basic edited list allows the Editor(s) to send directly to the list.

All other messages are sent to the first editor listed for approval or rejection. If you need to have more than one person approving the messages, see "How do I set up a moderated list?" below.

Set the list header settings to:

Send = Editor,Hold,Confirm,All
Editor =,

where is a valid e-mail address. The first editor must be a real address, not an access-level such as "Owner".

This is called an "edited" list. More than one editor may be listed, but only the first one listed will receive copies of messages for approval. All editors may post directly to the list.

See the List Owner's Manual section 2.13 Setting Up Lists for Specific Purposes for more detailed information.

How do I setup a Moderated List? (Only listed editors can post; other messages sent to multiple moderators for approval)

A moderated list is similar to an edited list or announce-only list, but allows multiple persons to approve or reject the messages.

The editor(s) can still send directly to the list.

All other messages are sent to the moderators for approval or rejection.

Set the list header settings to:

Send = Editor,Hold,Confirm,All
Editor =,
Moderator =,

where is a valid e-mail address. The first editor must be a real address, not an access-level such as "Owner". All moderators must also be listed as editors. All editors are not required to be moderators.

This list will "load-share" meaning, the first message will go to for approval, the second message will go to, etc.

To have all of the messages go to all of the moderators each time, add "All" before the list of addresses:

Moderator = All,,

Note: the All, must be before the list of moderators.

Once the message has been approved by one of the moderators the message is sent. Other attempts to approve the message will indicate that the message has already been approved. It will not be sent more than once.

See the List Owner's Manual section 2.13 Setting Up Lists for Specific Purposes for more detailed information.

How do I setup a Self-moderated List? (Members can post directly to the list but non-member's posts are sent to an editor for approval)

A self-moderated list allows list member to post directly to the list but non-member's posts are sent to an editor for approval.

Set the list header settings as shown below. Be sure to include the listname in parentheses on the Editor keyword.

Send = Editor,Hold,Confirm,All
Editor =, (listname)

where is a valid e-mail address and listname is the name of your list. Be sure to include the parenthesis. The first editor must be a real address, not an access-level such as "Owner".

See the List Owner's Manual section 2.13 Setting Up Lists for Specific Purposes for more detailed information.

How do I setup a Private Moderated List? (All postings from list members are forwarded to the editor/moderator for approval and all postings from non-members are rejected)

A private moderated list causes all postings from list members to be forwarded to the editor/moderator for approval and rejects all postings from non-members.

Set the list configuration settings to:

Subscription = By_Owner,Confirm
Send = Private,Confirm

Editor =,....
Notebook = ......,Private

Default-Options = Review

Using the web interface, select LISTSERV Command. If you own more than one list, use the pull-down arrow in the Select List: field to select the correct list.

In the Command: field type the following command:


Press Enter Command.

The editors will need to set themselves to NOREVIEW or they will have to approve their own postings also.

This configuration will:

  • Subscription requests are forwarded to the list owner (By_ Owner) after the requestor confirms that they sent the request (,Confirm).
  • Only list members can post to the list (Send=Private). Other messages will bounce to the sender.
  • All postings from new list members will be sent to the editor/moderator for approval (Default-options - Review).
  • All current list members will be set to the Review option (QUIET SET listname REVIEW FOR *@*) and thus their postings will also be sent to the editor/moderator for approval.
  • Only list members can view the list archives. (Notebook=....,Private)

See the List Owner's Manual section 2.13 Setting Up Lists for Specific Purposes for more detailed information.

How do I setup a Announce-only List? (Only the list owner(s) or specific email addresses can post to the list)

Only the list owner(s) or specific email address can post to an announce-only list. 

Set the list configuration settings to:

Send= Owner,Confirm



where and are valid e-mail addresses.

With this set up:

  • Only the list owner(s) (or will be able to post directly to the list.
  • The reply-to will always be set to (the ignore setting).
    This could be a special account set up to handle responses.

This setting will require the list owner to confirm all postings. This helps to prevent hackers from forging the list owner's e-mail address. This may also help prevent mail looping problems.

See the List Owner's Manual section 2.13 Setting Up Lists for Specific Purposes for more detailed information.

How do I setup a Super-list? (A list of lists)

A super list is a "container" list that includes all the subscribers in a predefined set of sub-lists.

For security reasons, only the Listserv maintainer/admin can create a super-list.

Sub-lists= Listname-L,Listname2-L

With the super-list, the membership of all the sub-lists is added (recursively) and duplicates are suppressed.

Super-lists have their own archives, access control, etc.

The only way not to get the super-messages is to subscribe directly to the super-list and set yourself to NOMAIL.

The DIGEST and INDEX options are ignored and internally converted to MAIL.

Postings to a super-list are always archived in the super-list's notebooks (if enabled), and never in the notebooks of the sub-lists. This is because by its nature a posting to super-list is not equivalent to cross-posting a message to all of the sub-lists. Postings will always be identified as coming from the super-list, regardless of any subscription to the sub-lists.

Archive access is not automatically recursive. To give sub-list subscribers to the archives you must configure the Notebook= Keyword for the super-list so that it contains references to each of the sublists.

Notebook= Yes,C:\LISTS\SUPER,Monthly,Private, (SUB-A), (SUB-B)

If you have many sub-lists, you can specify multiple Notebook= lines, for example.

Notebook= (SUB-C), (SUB-D), (SUB-E), (SUB-F)

L-Soft's Video tutorial - Configure a super-list and sub-lists

How do I post to an Edited or Moderated List?

Whether you are a list member or the editor or moderator, simply send the message to

Messages posted from the list editors will be automatically sent on with no approval required. If the list configuration headers are set to Send=Editor,Hold,Confirm a confirmation message will be sent to that editor. This is for security to ensure that a hacker has not faked the sending address.

All other messages will be sent to either the first listed editor, for a basic edited list, or the list moderators, for a moderated list.

See the List Owner's Manual section 15 Moderating and Editing Lists through Email for more detailed information.

Messages can also be sent (posted) from the web interface. See the UI Getting Started Guide for information about using the web interface.

I am the list editor/moderator. How do I approve the messages?

If the list header settings are set to:


The editor/moderator will receive the following message:

This message was originally submitted by SenderFirstName-SenderLastName@UIOWA.EDU to the
LISTNAME list at LIST.UIOWA.EDU. You can approve it using the "OK"
mechanism (click on the link below), ignore it, or repost an edited copy. The
message will expire automatically and you do not need to do anything if you
just want to discard it. Please refer to the list owner's guide if you are not
familiar with the "OK" mechanism; these instructions are being kept
purposefully short for your convenience in processing large numbers of

The above message will include a copy of the message submitted for your approval.

To approve the above message, either

  1. Click on the URL provided
  2. Reply with just "ok" as the body of your message (only if HOLD is specified on the Send keyword)
  3. Or use the LISTSERV Web Interface to approve the message:
    1. Log In to LISTSERV
    2. Select List Dashboard
    3. You will see the following message if messages are waiting for approval:
list moderation


  1. Click the listname
  2. Click the message you wish to moderate.
  3. Click Approve or Reject.


The posting will appear to come from the original sender, SenderFirstName-SenderLastName@UIOWA.EDU

You can also edit the message and resend it to the list, but the posting will appear to come from you, the editor, Editorname <>


If you always need to edit the messages before sending them on you can change the list configuration headers to (remove the HOLD):


See the List Owner's Manual section 15 Moderating and Editing Lists through Email for more detailed information.

As the moderator of a list, I get the message for approval plus the posted message. How can I stop getting two copies?

As the moderator, you are not required to also be subscribed to the list. Simply unsubscribe yourself from the list.

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