If you plan to use Microsoft Teams, we recommend you download the Teams desktop and/or mobile app. The app will give you full functionality, and allows you to constantly monitor Teams activity and receive notifications.

Most Managed UI computers should have Microsoft Teams already installed as part of the Microsoft Office suite. If not already installed, please follow these directions:

Windows computers can install Teams using the Software Center

  • Start Menu -> Microsoft Endpoint Manager -> Software Center

  • Select Applications -> Teams and then select the “Install” button

Mac computers can install Teams using Self Service:

  • Finder -> Applications -> Self Service

  • Log in with HawkID and password

  • Select Microsoft Software -> Microsoft Teams and then select the “Install” button

Personal, mobile and unmanaged devices:

Download the Teams client software directly from Microsoft at: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/microsoft-teams/download-app


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