This support article pertains to the SiteNow v1 platform. Click here for SiteNow v2 documentation.
Drupal is the software framework upon which SiteNow is built. When talking about Drupal sites there is a core of terminology that is helpful to understand. This list will get you started.
- admin toolbar
- This is also called the "administrative toolbar" and it appears as a dark, grey toolbar at the top of each page if (and only if) you are logged in to the site. The admin toolbar gives you quick access to most of the editing and configuration powers for your site.
- alternative text
- A word or phrase describing an uploaded image. This is used by screen readers, search engines, and when the image cannot be loaded. As accessibility is a priority for University of Iowa websites, it's a good idea to enter alternative text describing the picture you have included.
- anchor/anchor link
- An anchor link is a link to another place (for example, a different word or paragraph) on the same page as the link itself. The anchor is the final destination of the link (where the user will be directed to). On SiteNow, the anchor must be placed first, and it is advised that you name it something short and simple, without symbols or spaces.
- child item
- An item that goes under another item, in a hierarchical relationship. it is usually nested under another menu item, which is referred to as its parent/parent item.
- content type
- A content type is a node with the purpose of containing a specific kind of data (e.g., person info, event details, news article content, etc.). Every node belongs to a single content type.
- content pane
- Content panes are chunks, or "panes," of information that can be saved and placed on any page. These can be custom made to show informational content of your choosing, or there are premade content panes you can choose from using the 'Customize this page' button. A single-use custom content pane is one created by you for use on a single page, while a reusable custom content pane is one created by you and saved (under 'Structure' in the admin toolbar) that can be inserted onto as many pages as you want.
- demo content
- When your website is initially created, some apps create different types of content automatically to help you understand how the site can function. This content can be removed and re-created at any time on a per-app basis (ie, all events can be disabled at once, all articles at once, etc.).
- editor
- A specific role that may be assigned to users. An editor has the power to create, edit, and delete content on the website.
- field
- Fields commonly contain one type of data: text, image, or terms. More specifically, fields are elements of data that can be attached to a node or other Drupal entities.
- node
- A piece of content in Drupal, typically corresponding to a single page on the site, that has a title, an optional body, and perhaps additional fields. Every node also belongs to a particular content type, and can additionally be classified using the taxonomy system.
- parent item
- An item that another item nests under. For example, a menu link that has several other pages listed within it is a parent item. The nesting pages are the child items.
- Stands for search engine optimization. This is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via the "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results.
- shortcut toolbar
- This is the lighter grey toolbar immediately under the admin toolbar links to commonly-used pages within your site. By default, two links are available in your shortcut toolbar: "Add content" and "Find content." Click on the down arrow next to "Log out" to hide the shortcut bar.
- taxonomy term
- An organizational keyword known in other systems as a category, tag, or metadata. It allows you to connect, relate and classify your website’s content. In Drupal, a related group of taxonomy terms is called a vocabulary.
- theme
- The theme is the look of your website: the layouts, colors, fonts and graphics. The theme is, for the most part, separate from the content of your site.
- title text
- A word or phrase acting as a title for an uploaded image. This is shown when a user hovers their mouse over an image. Some webmasters see no difference between the title text and alternative text, and may choose not to even include title text. Others make their title text short and concise, functioning as an actual title.
- vocabulary
- A collection of taxonomy terms.
- webmaster
- A specific role that may be assigned to users. A webmaster has the power to do everything an editor can, plus administer the website configuration and appearance. It is advised to give webmaster privileges to trusted users only.
- weight
- A term used by Drupal to define the priority or order in which a function is processed or an item is displayed. A lower weight value (for example, -10) will float to the top of lists of items, while heavier (for example, +10) weights will appear lower in lists.
- What You See Is What You Get. An acronym used to describe an editing interface that closely resembles the final product while you edit.
- XML sitemap
- An XML sitemap provides information about your site to search engines, listing the URLS for your site by priority when search engines are combing through it. Drupal excludes the sitemap by default, but you can change this if you wish by gibing certain URLS on your site a higher priority level. Higher-priority URLS will be listed first in a search engine's search results, above other URLS on your site. This is helpful for making sure a certain content item, such as a specific event or article, is more prominent and easier to find.