1. While wearing the VR Headset, press the "Meta" button on the right hand controller to bring the main VR controls.

Meta Quest Main Menu

2. Select the Settings Icon (The gear icon with a green background). This will take you to the settings screen.

Meta Quest Settings Screen

3. Select "Wi-Fi" This will bring up the Wi-Fi Settings screen

4. Select "Add Network" to bring up the Network settings screen (screen shot not available)

5. Enter the following parameters:

a. Network Name: UI-DeviceNet

b. Security: Select WPA/WPA2 Personal

c. Password: UI-DeviceNet

d. Select the "Connect" button

At this point you will probably get an error as the device has not been registered yet

6. You will be taken to the Wi-Fi Settings Screen.

7. Select "Saved Networks"

8. Select "UI-DeviceNet"

9 Pick whether you want to  "Use Randomized MAC" or "Use device MAC"

Meta Quest Wi-Fi Settings

10. Copy down the text "Randomized MAC address" or "Device MAC address". The text should look like "00:de:ad:66:be:ef". This is the address to enter in when you register the device at https://clrpass.its.uiowa.edu





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