UI Learn
UI Learn (learn.uiowa.edu) is an online course storefront, payment processing, and certificate generation platform that allows external users to sign up for non-academic courses. Colleges or units may use learn.uiowa.edu to offer professional development, public outreach, or other non-academic courses to users external to the University of Iowa. Learn more about Canvas Catalog.
There are two major components to this service. One is the storefront which is Canvas Catalog, branded by the university as UI Learn. This component is where the individual course offerings are listed. Anyone can access the site (learn.uiowa.edu) and enroll in a course. Accounts are created upon enrollment. Some course offerings are free while others are for a fee. Courses that are for a fee require payment before users can gain access to the course. The other major component is the learning management system (LMS), Canvas, branded as Learn by the university, where the courses actually live. Learn is where course instructors/developers will load the content and create the course experience. It is the same LMS platform that ICON uses.
General support is provided by the department/college/program/office that is offering the course. Technical issues that require contact with the vendor will be handled by the Office of Teaching, Learning, and Technology support staff. Users of the service should start help inquiries with the course instructor first and allow them to be escalated as needed. The instructor would then contact the support person they consulted with to get the course if they could not resolve the issue. The support person can then contact the Office of Teaching, Learning, and Technology if needed.
The service which hosts the courses and programs is free. The courses and programs that users would sign up for could be free or for a fee.
ITS Help Desk