Email notifications are sent in advance of your password expiring detailing exactly when it will expire and the minimum number of characters your password must be. You can review further guides on HawkID password requirements before making this change. After changing your HawkID password, make sure to update your saved credentials across your devices and systems.

The following is an example a password expiration email notification:



HawkID Password Expiration Notice


HawkID: hhawk
Expiration Date: January 1, 2024
Minimum Length: 15
Expiration Period: 365 days

Your HawkID password is about to expire. This password is necessary to access many campus services. To avoid an interruption in services please change your password before the expiration date listed above.

After you change your password, please remember to update it in all devices used to connect to eduroam and email. Otherwise, devices will continue to use your previous password to access these services, which may result in a locked account.

If you have questions or need assistance please contact the ITS Help Desk. For security reasons the ITS Help Desk cannot change passwords via email.


ITS Help Desk
2800 University Capitol Centre, Iowa City, Iowa 52242
Office: 319-384-HELP (4357)

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