Microsoft Outlook

  1. Open Microsoft Outlook
  2. Click on the calendar icon on the left-hand column

    Calendar Outlook
  3. Find and Open the meeting invite needing to be updated
  4. Delete the Zoom link from the Location field

    Location field
  5. Delete any references to the Zoom meeting from the email body
  6. Click the Teams Meeting button

    Teams button
    1. If needed, click on the Meeting Options to change any meeting settings

      Teams Meeting Options Button
  7. Add/update any meeting details to the email body as needed
  8. Click Send Update

Microsoft Teams

  1. Open Microsoft Teams
  2. Click on the Calendar button the left-hand column

    Teams Calendar
  3. Double click on the meeting needing updated
  4. Delete the Zoom link from the Location field

    Location field
  5. Delete any references to the Zoom meeting in the description box of the meeting
  6. Toggle 'on' the Online meeting option (should look like the image when set to 'On')

  7. Update/Add any meeting details to the description box as needed
  8. Click Send update
Last updated
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