When running a query on a table in Access using a Data Source ODBC, users may periodically get an ODBC error: "ORA-01013 User Requested Cancel of Current Operation." when the user did not cancel the query.
To fix this problem, the ODBC Driver settings need to be adjusted. Follow these steps:
- Click Start > Settings >Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC).
- Click the "System DSN" tab in the ODBC Data Source Administrator Window.
- Select the name of the Banner/Oracle data source from the list.
- Click the Configure button.
5. On the Application tab of the Oracle ODBC Driver Configuration window, un-check all checkboxes with the exception of Read-Only Connection (refer to Figure 1).

6. On the Oracle tab of the Oracle ODBC Driver Configuration window, un-check the checkbox for Enable Failover (refer to Figure 2).
7. Click OK to Save changes.
8. Reboot the PC.