Note:  Adding a workstation to the Iowa Domain requires elevated privileges.  Please see your local IT Admin before proceeding.

Check Computer Name

It is highly recommended that you select a naming convention that uniquely identifies your workstation in the domain before you begin.  This is a multi-step process that requires a reboot.  To check on the name of your computer:

  1. Right click on the Start Button
    Start button
  2. Select System
    Right click start button and select System
  3. Note the Full Computer Name under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings.  If it is not unique or does not meet your department’s naming convention, it needs to be changed.
    Verify the Full Computer Name in the System Control Applet

Change Computer Name

  1. Right click on the Start Button
    Start button
  2. Select System
    Right click start button and select System
  3. Click Change settings under the Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings
    Click on Change Settings in System Applet
  4. Click Change
    Click Change on Computer Name Tab of System Properties
  5. Type in the new computer name in the Computer Name field
    Type in a new computer name
  6. Restart computer

Join the Iowa Domain

  1. Right click on the Start Button
    Start button
  2. Select System
    Right click start button and select System
  3. Click Change settings under the Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings
    Click on Change Settings in System Applet
  4. Click Change
    Click Change on Computer Name Tab of System Properties
  5. Select the Domain radial button
    Select the Domain radial button
  6. Type in
    Type in as the domain to join
    • Note: you must have a system admin id that has the ability to add computers to domain 
  7. Restart the computer and choose Switch User and login with your HawkID ( the first time).

Copy local user profile to your Domain HawkID profile

  1. Right click on the Start Button
    Start button
  2. Select System
    Right click start button and select System
  3. Click Change settings under the Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings
    Click on Change Settings in System Applet
  4. Click the Advanced tab
    Click on Advanced Tab in System Properties
  5. Under User Profiles, choose Settings.  Highlight the User you want to copy the settings from.
    Click on Settings under User Profiles
  6. Choose Copy to and browse to the c:\users and choose the User you want to copy the profile settings to.
    Copy To
  • Note:  You must be logged in as an administrator (either local or Iowa Domain) and cannot be logged in with an ID that you are copying from or to. 

If you need further assistance, please contact the ITS Help Desk.

Article number: 
Last updated: 
June 28, 2016