How do I access Microsoft Teams on the Web?

To log into Teams go to and log in with your  Web browser versions do matter, and you may need to upgrade your browser to the latest version if you have not previously done so.  

Note to Mac users: Safari  & Firefox will open a window with a button to download and install the Team client.

Is there a naming convention for a new Team?

No, there is no formal naming convention for Teams. We encourage you to select a name that represents the specific group or project it is associated with.

Who has access to Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams is currently available for all UI Student, Faculty and Staff Hawk IDs. 

Note: Healthcare IDs are not licensed for Office 365 and cannot be added to Teams. However, Healthcare staff HawkIDs can be added to a Team.

Can I change an existing Office 365 "Group" to a "Team"?

Yes, the Office 365 group owner can change a "group" to a "team".  When doing so, you will automatically share the same group privacy (public or private) and members as the original group. For more info and instructions, please see this Microsoft support article.

Note: If you convert an Office 365 group to a teams, any Healthcare users will be removed.

Can I add a Healthcare user to my team?

Healthcare IDs are not licensed for Office 365 and cannot be added to Teams. However, Healthcare staff HawkIDs can be added to a Team. To add Healthcare staff as a Team member, you must specify their HawkID/UPN when adding the user, as in: 

What is the difference between a Team and a Channel?

Please see this ITS support article for general information about Teams and Channels.

Can I import calendar data from another calendar (shared account, regular mailbox, public folders) to a Teams/Group calendar?

You can not drag and drop or copy the data directly to a Teams calendar.  The new calendar must actually be invited to the event or a macro must be used to copy the calendar data.  Please see this article for more details.

Can I delete a Chat?

There are multiple places Chats can happen (at the top level, outside of Teams (located in the Chat tab) and also there can be Conversations within each Team.   Top level Chats can not be deleted.  However, chat postings can be deleted by the user up to 24 hours.  After that they are permanently in the system.

Why would I need to create an additional Teams?

If someone outside of your Team group is involved in a new project then create a new Team rather than adding them as a team member or trying to create a new channel (to add someone to a channel they have to be a Team member).   Note:  If you add someone to your existing Team they will have access to everything the rest of your Team members do.

How do I create a new Team?

Click Teams on the left side of the app, then click Add team at the bottom of your teams list.

Go to the first tile in the Suggested teams view and click Create a team. From there, you can invite people or even entire contact groups (aka "distribution lists") to join your team.

How do I add members to my Team?

If you're a team owner, go to the team name and click More options --> Add members.

This is also where you can invite guests from outside your organization to join your team.

Note: To add Healthcare staff to a Team, see the FAQ Question Can I add a Healthcare user to my team?

How do I create a new Channel in Teams?

Teams are made up of channels, which are the conversations you have with your teammates. Each channel is dedicated to a specific topic, department, or project.

By default, all members of a team can create channels. A standard channel is open for all members and anything posted is searchable by others. If you need a smaller audience for a specific project, you can create a private channel for your team.

Instructions for creating standard or private Channels can be found in this Microsoft support article.

Can I add members to my Team that are outside the University of Iowa?

If you're a team owner, you can invite Guests from outside your organization to your team. Go to the team name, click More options-- > Add members, and then enter the guest's email address.

I am a can I use Teams with my group projects?

To learn how Teams can be used by students for group-based projects to communicate, collaborate, meet online, and integrate project apps, please see this ITS support article.

How do I start a chat in Teams?

Learn how to start one-on-one or groups chats in this Microsoft support article.

What are "apps" in Microsoft Teams, and how do I use them?

Information pertaining to apps in Teams and how to use them can be found in this Microsoft article. 

Can I import SharePoint data from another site into the Teams SharePoint site?

No, however it is possible to link to another SharePoint site using the tabs system in the menu bar.  You can find it by clicking the '+'.

Note:  Teams creates its own SharePoint site that is unrelated to your own SharePoint site.

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