Visitors to the University of Iowa (UI) campus can enjoy free guest wireless service without having to obtain a guest ID. This service is not intended for current UI students, faculty, and staff with eduroam access - see below.
For technical support, guests using UI-Guest can contact the ITS Help Desk at 319-384-HELP (4357) or
Security Warning
Guests should be aware that, like most guest networks in public places, the UI-Guest network is not encrypted. If personal information such as bank account, credit card, or Social Security numbers will be shared, take precautions to protect data by using Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology and making sure websites are secure (look for HTTPS in the URL). UI-Guest should not be used to access data that is protected by privacy laws such as HIPAA and FERPA.
It's important to note that for optimal service and security purposes, current UI students, faculty and staff should connect to the UI’s eduroam wireless network by logging in with their UI credentials (<yourhawkid> and password). eduroam is a secure network that allows UI users to access key university resources, such as file shares and printers. Similar to a public or home network, some UI resources are not accessible from the UI-Guest network. The website is not accessible from the UI-Guest network and will result in an error or a page that does not load.
How to connect
Guests can take advantage of this service by selecting the UI-Guest network when connecting to a wireless network. After selecting UI-Guest, the guest user will see the below browser page displayed. The page asks the guest user to confirm the connection to the wireless network and agree to UI-Guest's Terms of Service.
eduroam users who have connected their device to UI-Guest in the past (either on the UI campus or elsewhere) may see their device automatically connect to UI-Guest instead of eduroam. In those cases, you will need to manually reconfigure your device to prefer eduroam (see for more information). You can contact the ITS Help Desk at 319-384-HELP (4357) or for assistance configuring your device for eduroam.
General Support Information
Current Status
Wireless services will be unavailable for a period of up to 5 minutes while access points are rebooted following a configuration change. This change will address wireless channel congestion issues in the building.
Past 90 Days
Alert History
Wired and wireless services to the campus network will not be available during this maintenance.
Both wired and wireless network connectivity will be unavailable for 15-30 minutes during the window.
Wireless network connectivity will be unavailable for 15-30 minutes during the window.
Both wired and wireless network connectivity will be unavailable for 15-30 minutes during the window.
Wireless network connectivity will be unavailable for 15-30 minutes during the window.
Wired and wireless network connectivity will be unavailable for 15-30 minutes during the window.
Wireless network connectivity will be unavailable for 15-30 minutes during the window.
Both wired network connectivity will be unavailable for 15-30 minutes during the window.
Wireless network connectivity will be unavailable for 15-30 minutes during the window.
Wireless network connectivity will be unavailable for 15-30 minutes during the window.
Both wired and wireless network connectivity will be unavailable for 15-30 minutes during the window.
ITS will perform maintenance on the campus wireless network. Wi-Fi connectivity across campus will be disrupted at points during the maintenance window.
UIHC eduroam and other wireless services will not be impacted.
The issue has been resolved
Registering devices to UI-DeviceNet and connecting to the UI-Guest network are unavailable at this time. IT Support staff are investigating.
ITS will be upgrading the campus wireless Authentication Servers.
Customers will not be able to connect to UI-Guest or manage devices through the UI-DeviceNet portal for the first hour of the maintenance window.
ITS will be rebooting Wireless Access Points (APs) in the listed buildings.
Individual access points will be down for less than 3 minutes.
Wired and wireless services in this building will not be available during this maintenance.
ITS will be rebooting the Wireless Access Points (APs) in the listed buildings.
Individual access points will be down for less than 3 minutes.
ITS will be rebooting the Wireless Access Points (APs) in the listed buildings.
Individual access points will be down for less than 3 minutes.
ITS will be rebooting the Wireless Access Points (APs) in the following buildings.
Individual access points will be down for less than 3 minutes.
ITS will be rebooting the Wireless Access Points (APs) in the listed buildings.
Individual access points will be down for less than 3 minutes.
ITS will be rebooting the Wireless Access Points (APs) in the following buildings.
Individual access points will be down for less than 5 minutes.
A maintenance window is set for this time to reboot the wireless access points in the administrative areas of Burge and Stanley Hall. Downtime should be less than 3 minutes in any given area.
A network maintenance window is scheduled to replace and reboot networking devices in the building.
Wired and wireless services from these buildings will be not be available during this maintenance.
This issue has been resolved.
Outdoor wireless service is unavailable at the Hawkeye Recreation Fields.
The following external services are not accessible from the campus wireless network (eduroam, UI-Guest, and UI-DeviceNet):
- The Paramount+ streaming service
- MCAT Study Materials from BluePrint (
ITS staff are trying to determine if other services are affected. Please contact the ITS Help Desk if you are denied access to a service because it thinks you are behind a Virtual Private Network (VPN) or Proxy Server.
This issue has been resolved.
Wireless is current unavailable at the Hawkeye Recreation Service Building and Recreation Fields.
Network Engineering Services and Physical Infrastructure are investigating.
Network Engineering Services will be upgrading the campus wireless infrastructure. During this upgrade wireless connectivity will be degraded and individual clients may be disconnected for short periods of time.
NES will be patching the Wireless Authentication Servers.
Impact During Change:
UI-Guest unavailable – 30 minutes
UI-DeviceNet Registration unavailable – 30 minutes
Potential Authentication Delays – 3 hours
This issue has been resolved.
UI-Guest network is unavailable and UI-DeviceNet is unable to add new devices. Network engineers are investigating.
Network Engineering Services will upgrade the campus wireless authentication servers. During this time the following services will be impacted for several hours during the upgrade:
- UI-DeviceNet - should remain available, but the registration portal will be unavailable (devices will not be able to added or edited) for several hours during the maintenance window
- UI-Guest - will be unavailable for several hours during the maintenance window
- eduroam - should remain available, but there maybe delays in authentication of devices.
Engie has scheduled an electrical shutdown. Wired and wireless networks will be unavailable.
A network maintenance window is scheduled to upgrade software and reboot networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network, as well as the Internet, will be not be available during this maintenance.
A network maintenance window is scheduled to upgrade software and reboot networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network, as well as the Internet, will be not be available during this maintenance.
A network maintenance window is scheduled to upgrade software and reboot networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network, as well as the Internet, will be not be available during this maintenance. Department of Public Safety Security Cameras will also be affected during this window.
Network Engineering Services will performing software upgrades to the wireless network during this time. During this time wireless clients may experience connectivity disruptions for short periods of time. The upgrades will address connectivity issues that have been experienced over the last few months.
Network Engineering Services will performing software upgrades to the wireless network during this time. During this time wireless clients may experience connectivity disruptions for short periods of time. The upgrades will address connectivity issues that have been experienced over the last few months.
Network Engineering Services will be rebooting all wireless access points on the UI campus. This will not affect the UIHC complex. Eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, and UI-Guest wireless services will be affected for approximately 5 minutes during the 1-hour window.
ITS will perform maintenance to the campus wireless network. During maintenance, individual Access Points (APs) will reboot for 5-10 minutes.
Network Engineering Services will be rebooting all wireless access points (APs) on the east side of the Iowa River.
Network Engineering Services will be rebooting all wireless access points (APs) on the west side of the Iowa River.
ITS will be performing maintenance to the wireless network on the east side of campus to upgrade system software to address security and quality issues.
ITS will be performing maintenance to the wireless network on the west side of campus to upgrade system software to address security and quality issues.
ITS will perform a reboot of all campus APs to address a software issue affecting eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, and UI-Guest. There may be an interruption in service of 10-15 minutes while each AP reboots.
There will be a scheduled disruption of the wireless network service across campus, not including UIHC areas.
ITS will be performing maintenance to the eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, and UI-Guest wireless networks on the campus east side of the Iowa River.
While the upgrade should not cause widespread connectivity issues, individual clients may be disconnected for a few minutes at a time.
ITS will perform maintenance to the eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, and UI-Guest wireless networks on the campus west side of the Iowa River. The upgrade will not cause widespread connectivity issues, but individual clients may be disconnected for a few minutes at a time.
The campus core router rtr-core-lc will undergo routine routing changes. No impact is expected.
The campus core router rtr-core-itf will undergo routine routing changes. No impact is expected.
The campus core router rtr-core-bsb will undergo routine routing changes. No impact is expected.
The campus core router rtr-core-cb will undergo routine routing changes. No impact is expected.
During the network maintenance window, the existing root building switch will be replaced to allow for greater capacity. Wired and wireless services from the affected building to the campus network, as well as the internet, will be disrupted during this maintenance.
During the network maintenance window, the existing root building switch will be replaced to allow for greater capacity.
Wired and wireless services from the affected building to the campus network, as well as the internet, will be disrupted during this maintenance.
Wired and wireless services from the campus network will be disrupted during this maintenance.
The expected downtime is only 5 minutes, however the maintenance activity will occur sometime within the 15 minute window.
ITS will be replacing and rebooting a networking device in DSB that has been logging errors.
The expected duration for the outage is only 10 minutes, however the maintenance activity will occur sometime within the 15 minute window.
Wired and wireless services from DSB to the campus network, and the Internet will be disrupted during maintenance.
ITS will be applying security patches to the campus wireless authentication servers. During the patching process, the UI-DeviceNet device registration portal and new connections to UI-Guest will be unavailable. Access to eduroam should not be affected.
ITS will be upgrading the wireless networks on the West side of campus. Devices may experience connectivity issues for up to five minutes during the maintenance window.
ITS will be disabling IPV6 on all remaining wireless networks in order to reduce the resource utilization on campus core routers. Clients may experience brief connectivity issues during the maintenance window.
ITS will be moving the Network Address Translation (NAT) for the East and West wireless networks to the campus border firewall. Clients will experience connectivity issues during the maintenance window.
ITS will be upgrading the wireless networks on the East side of campus. Devices may experience connectivity issues for up to five minutes during the maintenance window.
Wired and wireless services from HLHS to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the outage. The expected duration for the maintenance is 10 minutes and will occur sometime during the one-hour window.
The issue has been resolved.
There are reports of wireless issues across campus. Some users are able to connect after restarting a device or forgetting the network. Support teams are investigating.
ITS will migrate the Network Address Translation (NAT) function for wireless service for east campus to the border firewalls. During the maintenance window wireless access will be disrupted for a short period but should recover quickly.
As a result of the change, the external IPv4 addresses of campus wireless clients will change as follows:
external IPv4 external IPv4 East Campus eduroam & UI-DeviceNet East Campus UI-Guest
If service owners have “allow” listed for the current external IPv4 address ranges to enable access to specific Internet resources, that access may be disrupted. ITS may not be aware of all of these. If you have given permissions to a Internet resource using the current ranges, please contact ITS.
These changes will not affect internal IP addresses (172.17.X.X, 172.23.X.X, etc.), wireless IPV6 addresses, or IPv4 addresses for clients using eduroam in UIHC facilities.
ITS will migrate the Network Address Translation (NAT) function for wireless service for West Campus to the campus border firewalls. During the maintenance window campus wireless access will be disrupted for a short period but should recover quickly.
As a result of the change, the external IPv4 addresses of campus wireless clients will change as follows:
external IPv4 external IPv4 West Campus eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, and College of Dentistry West Campus UI-Guest
If someone on campus has “allow” listed for the current external IPv4 address ranges to enable access to specific Internet resources, that access may be disrupted. Unfortunately, ITS may not be aware of all of these. If you have given permissions to a Internet resource using the current ranges, please contact ITS.
These changes will not affect internal IP addresses (172.17.X.X, 172.23.X.X, etc.), wireless IPV6 addresses, or IPv4 addresses for clients using eduroam in UIHC facilities.
A workaround has been implemented to improve service while the vendor continues to investigate the issue.
Some devices (mainly phones and tablets) are experiencing poor upload speeds on campus wireless networks. ITS has opened a case with our wireless vendor for further investigation.
This issue is resolved.
Networking services, both wired and wireless, are down in the Gerdin Athletic Learning Center due to air conditioning issues. Support staff are working on the issues.
Network Services will be rebooting/upgrading code to network switches and implementing the Access Layer Feature set configurations.
These features sets will address DHCP snooping, Port Security, and BPDU Guard(devices extending the network).
Network Services will be rebooting/upgrading code to network switches and implementing the Access Layer Feature set configurations.
These features sets will address DHCP snooping, Port Security, and BPDU Guard(devices extending the network).
This issue is resolved.
Wireless services are down in some areas. ITS network engineers are investigating.
This issue is resolved.
Wireless services in UCC are unavailable. ITS network engineers are investigating.
ITS will be updating servers supporting wireless. Access to the UI-Guest network and the registration of devices on UI-DeviceNet will be unavailable at the beginning of this maintenance window.
During this maintenance, campus core routers will be updated. Wired and wireless network services will be disrupted to Lindquist Center and roughly half of the east campus buildings.
ITS will be performing maintenance to the wireless services eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, and UI-Guest. The software upgrade should not disrupt connections for the majority of customers.
ITS will be performing maintenance to the wireless services eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, and UI-Guest. The software upgrade should not disrupt connections for the majority of customers.
This work is required to upgrade software to address a software bug and reboot networking equipment in the building.
The expected duration for the outage is 6-9 minutes, however the maintenance activity will occur sometime within the 15 minute window. Wired and wireless services from CMF to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the outage.
ITS will upgrade the production ClearPass servers.
Users will be unable to register new devices on UI-DeviceNet, and UI-Guest will be unavailable for multiple 15-30 minute segments during this time.
ITS has scheduled a network maintenance effecting 4th and 5th floor of the CPHB
This work is required to reboot a networking switch in the building logging errors.
The expected duration for the outage is 15 minutes , however the maintenance activity will occur sometime within the 30 minute window. Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the outage.
Wireless Authentication Services for eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, and UI-Guest will be migrated to new appliances. Users may experience a 10-15 minute outage of the UI-DeviceNet registration web pages and UI-Guest Terms of Service Acknowledgement web page.
Blackout testing for power will impact network switches in the College of Pharmacy Building. UI-Guest, UI-DeviceNet, eduroam, as well as the campus network will be unavailable.
Wireless Authentication Services for eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, and UI-Guest will be migrated to new appliances. Users may experience a 10-15 minute outage of the UI-DeviceNet registration web pages and UI-Guest Terms of Service Acknowledgement web page.
The DHCP servers for the wireless networks will be restarted to implement a configuration change. The process will address a memory exhaustion condition.
The updates are expected to take ~10 minutes and most wireless devices with DHCP lease should not experience any disruption.
This scheduled maintenance was postponed and will be rescheduled for a later date.
The DHCP servers for the wireless networks will be restarted to implement a configuration change. The process will address a memory exhaustion condition.
The updates are expected to take ~5 minutes and most wireless devices with DHCP lease should not experience any disruption.
During the maintenance, this location will have limited access to wired and wireless network services in the north side of the building.
This issue is resolved.
Due to an issue with security hotfix installs, customers could experience delays when trying to connect to eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, or UI-Guest.
ITS will be applying critical security patches to the campus wireless authentication servers. For a period during the patching process, the UI-DeviceNet device registration and new connections to UI-Guest will be unavailable. Access to eduroam should not be affected.
ITS will be upgrading system software supporting eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, and UI-Guest on the campus east side of the Iowa River. While the upgrade should not cause widespread connectivity issues, individual clients may be disconnected for a few minutes at a time.
ITS will be upgrading system software supporting eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, and UI-Guest on the campus west side of the Iowa River. While the upgrade should not cause widespread connectivity issues, individual clients may be disconnected for a few minutes at a time.
ITS will be making configuration changes to the eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, and UI-Guest networks in the East residence halls. While it should not be user impacting, there is the potential for connectivity issues affecting clients connecting to eduroam in the East residence halls.
ITS will be performing maintenance to the wireless services eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, and UI-Guest. Connections to any of the networks mentioned may be interrupted for periods of time during this maintenance window at the locations listed.
During this required network refresh, this location will have limited access to wired and wireless network services.
This issue has been resolved.
We have received reports of wireless connectivity issues in the east side residence halls. ITS is investigating.
During this required network refresh, this location will have limited access to wired and wireless network services.
During this required network refresh, users in this location will have limited access to wired and wireless network services.
The firewall for campus Internet is scheduled for a failover from active to passive unit during this time. This maintenance window is requested by the DCNS team to follow up on an ongoing support case with the manufacturer. Contact Scott Stiegelmeyer or A.J. Klopp with questions.
Software upgrades will be performed on networking equipment in the east academic buildings, east residence halls, and remote Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, and Ankeny locations. This work should be transparent to users, but it's possible it may cause brief disruptions in service.
Software upgrades will be performed on networking equipment in the west academic buildings and west residence halls. This work should be transparent to users, but it's possible it may cause brief disruptions in service.
During this required network refresh, users in this location will have limited access to wired and wireless network services.
ITS will perform required maintenance on networking devices in this building. This outage will not affect the UIHC network.
During this required network refresh, users in this location will have limited access to wired and wireless network services.
During this required network refresh, users in this location will have limited access to wired and wireless network services. The Lindquist Datacenter will not be affected.
During this required network refresh, the below location will have limited access to wired and wireless network services. Other locations in the building will not be affected.
Room 219
During this required network refresh, the below spaces or rooms will have limited access to wired and wireless network services. Other locations in the building will not be affected.
XB675 B600-455 B600-417 B600-641
XB671 B600-452 B600-416
XB665 B600-451 B600-414
XB661 B600-424 B600-412
XB640-1 B600-423 B600-410
XB630-2 B600-422 B600-405
XB620 B600-421 B600-404
B600-705 B600-420 B600-403
B600-456 B600-419 B600-402
ITS will be performing required upgrades and rebooting networking equipment at these locations.
ITS will be performing required upgrades and rebooting networking equipment in these locations. UIHC networks are not affected.
ITS will be performing required upgrades and rebooting networking equipment in the building.
ITS will be performing required upgrades and rebooting networking equipment in the building.
ITS will be performing required upgrades and rebooting networking equipment at these locations.
ITS will be performing required upgrades and rebooting networking equipment in the building.
This work is required to upgrade software and reboot networking equipment in the building.
ITS Network Services will perform maintenance on networking equipment in these buildings. Wired and wireless services to the campus network will be disrupted.
ITS Network Services will perform maintenance on networking equipment in these buildings. Wired and wireless services to the campus network will be disrupted.
ITS Network Services will perform maintenance on networking equipment in these buildings. Wired and wireless services to the campus network will be disrupted.
ITS Network Services will perform maintenance on networking equipment in these buildings. Wired and wireless services to the campus network will be disrupted.
ITS Network Services will perform maintenance on networking equipment in these buildings. Wired and wireless services to the campus network will be disrupted.
ITS Network Services will perform maintenance on networking equipment in these buildings. Wired and wireless services to the campus network will be disrupted.
ITS Network Services will perform maintenance on networking equipment in these buildings. Wired and wireless services to the campus network will be disrupted.
ITS Network Services will perform maintenance on networking equipment in these buildings. Wired and wireless services to the campus network will be disrupted.
ITS Network Services will perform maintenance on networking equipment in these buildings. Wired and wireless services to the campus network will be interrupted.
ITS Network Services will perform maintenance on networking equipment in these buildings. Wired and wireless services to the campus network will be disrupted.
ITS Network Services will perform maintenance on networking equipment in these buildings. Wired and wireless services to the campus network will be disrupted.
Networking equipment will be upgraded. Wired and wireless networks will be unavailable.
Networking equipment will be upgraded. Wired and wireless networks will be unavailable.
ITS Network Services will perform maintenance on networking equipment in these buildings. Wired and wireless services to the campus network will be disrupted.
ITS Network Services will perform maintenance on networking equipment in these buildings. Wired and wireless services to the campus network will be disrupted.
ITS Network Services will perform maintenance on networking equipment in these buildings. Wired and wireless services to the campus network will be disrupted.
ITS Network Services will perform maintenance on networking equipment in these buildings. Wired and wireless services to the campus network will be disrupted.
Networking equipment will be upgraded. Wired and wireless networks will be unavailable.
Networking equipment will be upgraded. Wired and wireless networks will be unavailable.
Networking equipment will be upgraded. Wired and wireless networks will be unavailable.
Power in North Lindquist Center has been shut down for construction. This will affect all network equipment on that side of the building.
Mid-American Energy has resolved this issue.
There is an ongoing power outage affecting the following buildings: Parklawn, Mayflower, and River Street Building.
Currently ITS networking equipment is operating on backup power however, the backup power will soon run out and our equipment will turn off. Wired and wireless services will both be affected.
Wireless internet services will be undergoing maintenance. Service will momentarily drop and reconnect during the maintenance window lasting 90 seconds. This work will impact the west side of campus and remote campuses.
This issue is resolved.
ITS is seeing sporadic network service issues on the west side of campus. ITS support staff are investigating.
A networking device will be replaced and internet connectivity may be unavailable during this work.
Wireless internet services will be undergoing maintenance. Service will momentarily drop and reconnect during the maintenance window lasting 90 seconds. This work will impact the east side of campus.
Wired and wireless services will be disrupted due to a refresh of networking equipment. This work is expected to last about an hour and will take place between 5:00 and 7:00 a.m.
ITS will be upgrading and performing maintenance on wireless services in these spaces that may cause intermittent network connectivity issues for some users.
ITS will be upgrading and performing maintenance on wireless services in these spaces that may cause intermittent network connectivity issues for some users.
Required updates to networking equipment will disrupt service to wired and wireless services, including internet access, during the maintenance window.
The issue has been resolved.
ITS is aware of wired and wireless connectivity issues and is investigating.
ITS will be performing required updates to core router equipment that will impact approximately half of east side academic buildings. Both wired and wireless networks will be unavailable during the maintenance window.
The issue has been resolved.
We are receiving reports of issues connecting to wireless on campus. ITS support staff are investigating.
Wireless equipment will be replaced during business hours. Wireless connectivity could be disrupted in areas around each AP as it is replaced.
This issue is resolved.
ITS Support staff are working with the vendor to investigate this further.
Issues are also being reported with the wired campus network. ITS support staff are still investigating.
We are receiving reports of issues connecting to Eduroam and UI-Guest. ITS support staff are investigating.
Wired and wireless equipment will be replaced during business hours. Network connectivity may be disrupted in areas during the maintenance window.
This work is required to replace networking hardware in Field House and will affect wireless and data services during the maintenance window.
Wireless equipment will be replaced during business hours. Wireless connectivity could be disrupted in areas around each AP as it is replaced.
Wireless equipment will be replaced during business hours. Wireless connectivity could be disrupted in areas around each AP as it is replaced.
ClearPass servers will be upgraded. UI-DeviceNet registration and UI-Guest login will be unavailable.
Wireless equipment will be replaced during business hours. Wireless connectivity could be disrupted in areas around each AP as it is replaced.
Wireless equipment will be replaced during business hours. Wireless connectivity could be disrupted in areas around each AP as it is replaced.
Wired and wireless services from DSB to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the outage.
This work is required to replace and reboot networking devices in the building.
Wireless equipment in the building will be replaced during business hours. Wireless connectivity could be disrupted in areas around each AP as it is replaced.
Wireless equipment will be replaced during business hours. Wireless connectivity could be disrupted in areas around each AP as it is replaced.
Wired and wireless equipment in the building will be replaced. Network connectivity may be interrupted.
Wireless equipment in Van Allen Hall will be replaced during business hours. Wireless Connectivity could be disrupted in areas around each AP as it is replaced.
Networking devices in the building will be replaced during this time.
This work is required to refresh networking equipment in the building.
Wireless services will be upgraded. Registering new devices for use with UI-DeviceNet and UI-Guest will be down from 7am to 8am. Other work will have minimal impact.
Networking devices will be replaced.
Wired and wireless services to the campus network, as well as the Internet, will be disrupted.
Networking devices will be replaced and rebooted.
Wired and wireless services to the campus network, as well as the Internet, will be disrupted.
During this time, ClearPass production servers will be upgraded. DeviceNet registration and login to the guest wireless service will be unavailable.
Networking Equipment needs to be replaced.
Wired and wireless services from Van Allen Hall to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted.
Networking device needs to be rebooted.
Wired and wireless services from PH to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted.
A fiber patch needs to be replaced.
Wired and wireless services from PC to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted.
Networking device needs to be rebooted.
Wired and wireless services from CB to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted.
Networking equipment in the Main Library will be updated during this time. Wired and wireless networks will be unavailable during this maintenance window.
Wireless maintenance is scheduled during this window. No service disruptions are expected, but please contact the ITS Help Desk if you experience issues.
Impacted locations:
- East academic buildings
- West academic buildings
- West residence halls
- Remote locations (Des Moines, Davenport, Ankeny, and Cedar Rapids)
ITS will be performing maintenance to the wireless network (eduroam, UI-Guest, UI-DeviceNet) in the DORMS on the EAST Side of the Iowa River.
During this time, the wireless network in the East dorms may become unavailable for periods of time. This maintenance is necessary to collect data for troubleshooting.
This work is required to refresh networking equipment in this building.
The expected duration for the maintenance is only 30 minutes, however, the maintenance activity will occur sometime within the 1-hour window.
Wired and wireless services from USB to the campus network will be disrupted.
This work is required to refresh networking equipment in the building.
Wired and wireless services to the campus network, as well as the Internet, will be disrupted during this maintenance.
Networking equipment in the building will be refreshed.
Wired and wireless services from JH to the campus network will be disrupted.
Networking equipment in the building will be refreshed.
Wired and wireless services from MSSB to the campus network will be disrupted.
Networking equipment in the building will be refreshed.
Wired and wireless services from KRC to the campus network will be disrupted.
A network device will be rebooted. This maintenance will affect the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors.
Wired and wireless services to the campus network will be disrupted.
Networking equipment in the building will be replaced. This maintenance will only affect the 4th, 5th, and 6th floors.
Wired and wireless services from MERF to the campus network will be disrupted.
ITS will be performing maintenance to the wireless services (eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, UI-Guest) for academic buildings on the east side of campus.
Networking equipment in the building will be replaced. This maintenance will only affect the 2nd and 3rd floors.
Wired and wireless services from MERF to the campus network will be disrupted.
Networking equipment in the building will be replaced. This maintenance will only affect floors L, LL, and the 1st floor.
Wired and wireless services from MERF to the campus network will be disrupted.
Wired and wireless services from CBRB to the campus network will be disrupted while networking equipment in CBRB is refreshed.
ITS will be performing maintenance to the eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, and UI-Guest wireless networks in the following locations:
- East Academic Buildings
- West Academic Buildings
- West Residence Halls
- Remote Locations (Des Moines, Ankeny, Cedar Rapids)
Most users should not experience service disruption. Please contact the ITS Help Desk with any questions.
The wireless service is experiencing issues on the west (non-dorm) side of campus. ITS is investigating.
ITS will be performing maintenance to the eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, and UI-Guest wireless networks for the eastside residence halls. Wireless services may be unavailable during this window. Please contact the ITS Help Desk with any questions.
ITS will be performing maintenance to the wireless services eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, and UI-Guest for buildings east of the Iowa River. Wireless services will be unavailable at times during this window.
ITS will be performing maintenance to the wireless services eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, and UI-Guest for buildings west of the Iowa River. Wireless services will be unavailable at times during this window. Please contact the ITS Help Desk if you have any questions.
This work is required to refresh networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless services to campus networks will be disrupted during this maintenance window.
UCC network maintenance:
This work is required to replace networking equipment in the building and upgrade fiber uplinks.
All UCC network connectivity will be down as fiber uplinks are being upgraded.
5:00am-7:00am these rooms will be affected
All of the 2900 block
Rooms 803, 805 thru 808, 837, 893
5:00am-8:00am these rooms will be affected
All of the 2600 block
Rooms 101 thru 109, 169
Wired and wireless services from these rooms in UCC to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the outage.
Wired and wireless services from these rooms to the campus network, as well as the Internet, will be disrupted during this maintenance.
Networking equipment will be upgraded on the South side of the building (floors 1-3).
Service has been restored to all sites.
Psychological Research Cedar Rapids is still impacted by this outage, and remains without wired and wireless network services at this time.
All other wired and wireless services to university buildings has been restored.
Wired and wireless service on campus will be intermittent until power is restored. Buildings with generator backup are likely unaffected.
Wired and wireless services will be down for maintenance.
Wired and wireless services will be down for maintenance.
The wireless service on the west side of campus will be down for maintenance.
ITS will be performing maintenance to the wireless services (eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, UI-Guest) for Residence Halls on the east side of campus.
ITS will be performing maintenance to the wireless service (eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, UI-Guest) for academic buildings on the east side of campus.
Wired and wireless services from this building to the campus network will be disrupted during the refresh of networking equipment.
A firmware update will be performed on a network switch. Wired and Wireless networks will be unavailable.
A firmware update will be performed on a network switch. Wired and Wireless networks will be unavailable.
This work is required to upgrade networking equipment in the building.
Wired and wireless services to the campus network will be disrupted.
This work is required to upgrade networking equipment in the building.
Wired and wireless services to the campus network will be disrupted.
This work is required to upgrade networking equipment in the building.
Wired and wireless services to the campus network will be disrupted.
This work is required to upgrade networking equipment in the building.
Wired and wireless services to the campus network will be disrupted.
Software upgrades will be performed on the wireless service.
Software upgrades will be performed on the wireless service.
Software upgrades will be performed on the wireless service.
This work is required to upgrade networking equipment in the building.
Wired and wireless services to the campus network will be disrupted.
This work is required to upgrade code on networking switches in the building.
Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the outage.
This work is required to upgrade software on networking gear in the building.
Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the outage.
This work is required to upgrade software on networking gear in the building.
Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the maintenance window.
This work is required to upgrade software on the networking devices in the buildings.
Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the work.
This work is required to upgrade software on the networking devices in the buildings.
Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the work.
This work is required to upgrade software on the networking devices in the buildings.
Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the work.
Work is required to refresh networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless services from BBE to the campus network, as well as the Internet, will be disrupted during the outage.
A non-disruptive software upgrade will be performed on the rtr-core-lc campus network router.
A non-disruptive software upgrade will be performed on the rtr-core-bsb campus network router.
This work is required to refresh networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless service will be disrupted during the maintenance window.
This work is required to refresh networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless service will be disrupted during the maintenance window.
This work is required to refresh networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless network services will be disrupted during the maintenance window.
This work is required to refresh networking equipment in the building.
Wired and wireless services from MLH to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted.
Network services have been restored.
Networking is down in MBSB. ITS is working to resolve the issue.
This work is required to upgrade networking equipment in the building.
Wired and wireless services to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted.
This work is required to upgrade networking equipment in the building.
Wired and wireless services to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted.
Wireless services will be unavailable on the east side of campus due to software upgrades.
This work is required to refresh networking equipment in the building.
Wired and wireless services to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted.
Wireless services will be unavailable on the west side of campus due to software upgrades.
This work is required to refresh networking equipment in the building.
Wired and wireless services to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted.
This work is required to refresh networking equipment in the building.
Wired and wireless services to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted.
This work is required to replace networking equipment in the building
Wired and wireless services from STH to the campus network, as well as Internet, will be disrupted.
Plaza Center One will be without power due to a transformer replacement. Networking, both wired and wireless, and telephone service will be down.
This work is required to refresh networking equipment in the building.
Wired and wireless services to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted.
This work is required to refresh networking equipment in the building.
Wired and wireless services to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted.
Networking equipment will be moved within the building. Wired and wireless service from this building to the campus network, as well as the Internet, will be disrupted.
ITS will perform software upgrades to the wireless service for the west campus. There should be no impact to wireless clients.
A networking device will be replaced in the building. Wired and wireless services to the campus network, as well as the Internet, will be disrupted.
Work is required to refresh networking gear in the building. Wired and wireless services to the campus network, as well as the Internet, will be disrupted.
ITS will perform software upgrades to the wireless service for the east campus. There should be no impact to wireless clients.
The wireless network will be unavailable during this time to replace hardware.
Wireless service is restored.
The wireless service is down on the east side of the river. ITS support staff are working on the problem.
Wireless service is restored.
Users are not able to connect to wireless on the east side of the river. ITS support staff are working on the problem.
This work is required to refresh networking equipment in the building.
Wired and wireless services as well as the internet will be disrupted during the outage.
This work is required to refresh networking equipment in the building.
Wired and wireless services as well as the internet will be disrupted during the outage.
This network maintenance is required to refresh networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless services from CRWC to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the maintenance.
Power and services have been restored to these buildings.
Networking services, both wired and wireless, are down in these buildings due to a power outage.
Networking equipment providing data services to the building will be refreshed.
Wired and wireless services from DSB to the campus network, as well as internet connectivity, will be disrupted.
ITS will perform emergency maintenance on the wireless network. During this time, all wireless services on the east side of campus will be unavailable for short periods of time.
This also includes the following remote campuses:
PEC – (Des Moines)
CBCR and PBCR – (Cedar Rapids)
This maintenance is necessary to replace a failing hardware component.
Networking equipment providing data services to the building will be refreshed.
Wired and wireless services in VOX and VAB to the campus network, as well as internet, will be disrupted.
Network connections providing data services to the building will be upgraded.
Wired and wireless from USB floors 2 and 3 to the campus network, as well as the internet, will be disrupted.
ITS will be performing maintenance to the wireless service (eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, UI-Guest) for the East Campus. During the maintenance window there will be minimal impact to wireless clients.
This maintenance is necessary to perform software upgrades to the wireless service.
Wired and wireless services from NH to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the outage. This work is required to refresh networking equipment providing data services to the building.
ITS will be performing maintenance to the wireless service (eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, UI-Guest) for the West Campus. During the maintenance window there will be minimal impact to wireless clients.
This maintenance is necessary to perform software upgrades to the wireless service.
A network maintenance window is scheduled to replace a networking device that experienced power issues during a recent power outage in the building.
Networking equipment will be refreshed. Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network, as well as the internet will be disrupted during the maintenance.
Networking equipment is being refreshed.
Wired and wireless services from PH to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted.
A network maintenance window is required to upgrade software on networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless services to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the maintenance window.
A network maintenance window is required to upgrade software on networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless services to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the maintenance window.
A network maintenance window is required to upgrade software on networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless services to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the maintenance window.
This work is required to replace network equipment in the building that will effect the west side of the 2nd floor.
Wired and wireless services from Chemistry Building to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the outage.
This work will fix networking equipment logging errors in the building and should only affect ground floor rooms.
Wired and wireless services from MEB to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the maintenance window.
This work will fix networking equipment logging errors in the building.
Wired and wireless services from BCSB to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the maintenance window.
Wired and wireless services from Biomedical Research Support Facility (BRSF) to the campus network, as well as the Internet, will be disrupted during this planned maintenance.
Wired and wireless network services will be disrupted due to required software upgrades.
A network maintenance window is required to upgrade software on networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the maintenance window.
Wired and wireless network services will be disrupted due to required software upgrades.
Wired and wireless network services will be disrupted due to required software upgrades.
The wireless service will be upgraded in academic buildings on the west side of campus. There will be minimal impact to wireless clients.
The wireless service will be upgraded in academic buildings on the east side of campus. There will be minimal impact to wireless clients.
A network maintenance window is required to upgrade software and replace networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless services from CNB to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the maintenance window.
A network maintenance window is required to upgrade software on networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the maintenance window.
ITS will upgrade the software for the wireless service for the east campus dorms. There will be minimal impact to wireless clients.
A network maintenance window is required to replace networking gear and move data connections in the building. Wired and wireless services from this building to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the maintenance window.
A network maintenance window is required to upgrade software on networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the maintenance window.
A network maintenance window is required to upgrade software on networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the maintenance window.
A network maintenance window is required to upgrade software on networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the maintenance window.
A network maintenance window is required to upgrade software on networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the maintenance window.
A network maintenance window is required to upgrade software on networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during this time.
This work will also affect Cable TV in Mayflower residence hall.
A network maintenance window is required to upgrade software on networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the maintenance window.
A network maintenance window is required to upgrade software on networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the maintenance window.
A network maintenance window is required to upgrade software on networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the maintenance window.
ITS will perform hardware replacement for the wireless service in the east side academic buildings. The work will take 30 minutes to complete and will take place sometime during this time frame.
A network maintenance window is required to upgrade software on networking gear in the building. Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the maintenance.
A network maintenance window is required to upgrade software on networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless services from these buildings to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the outage.
ITS will perform software upgrades to the wireless service on the west side of campus.
There should be minimal impact to wireless clients during the maintenance window.
ITS will perform software upgrades to the wireless service in the east side academic buildings.
There should be minimal impact to wireless clients during the maintenance window.
ITS will perform software upgrades to the wireless service in the east side residence halls.
There should be minimal impact to wireless clients during the maintenance window.
ITS will be performing maintenance to the wireless network.
During this time users may not be able to connect to the wireless network for short periods of time.
Network connectivity issues have been reported from Calvin Hall. ITS support staff are working to get this resolved as quickly as possible.
A network maintenance window is scheduled for MLH.
This work is required to move and upgrade networking equipment in the building. Wired and wireless services from MLH to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the maintenance.
A network maintenance window is scheduled for Medical Laboratories (ML) to move fiber feeding network connectivity to the building.
Wired and wireless services from ML to the campus network, as well as the Internet will be disrupted during the maintenance window.
The AT&T wireless guest network has been retired as of today. Please connect to our replacement wireless guest network named UI-Guest.
ITS will be upgrading the campus wireless authentication servers. Access to the UI-DeviceNet registration pages and access to UI-Guest will unavailable.
Customers will have access to eduroam during the upgrade.
ITS will be performing maintenance to the wireless service (eduroam, UI-DeviceNet, UI-Guest) for the following buildings :
During the maintenance window the wireless service will be unavailable for periods of time.
Please contact the ITS Help Desk if you have any questions.
A campus data connectivity maintenance window is scheduled to replace and move networking equipment in the building due to construction. Wired and wireless connections will be interrupted at this time.
The campus wireless service will be down for maintenance at this time.
This issue has been resolved.
Wireless is currently down in the building. ITS staff are working to resolve this issue.