Request Proxy Access

Send an email to and your request will be reviewed.

Include the system hostname or IP that will use the proxy and what destination(s) it needs to reach. Please be as specific and narrowly scoped as possible (e.g. don't ask for "*" if "" will do).

If your client is in a secure firewall context, you will also need to request firewall rules to access the proxy. Provide your client's IPv4 address in the request.

Configure Proxy on Client

The data center proxy service is on TCP port 8080. The same port is used whether using it for HTTP or HTTPS traffic. The connection to the proxy itself does not use authentication or TLS.

How to specify the proxy varies by application, so refer to the application's documentation for details on how/where to set it. The value will typically be entered in one of the following forms:


If possible, configure the application to exclude campus domains (e.g. "*", etc.) and local traffic to avoid sending that traffic through the proxy (which could produce unexpected results).

The proxy can also be configured system-wide, but that should be considered a last resort, as it will direct traffic from all applications through the proxy. If set system-wide, configuring exclusions is especially important.

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