Logging into your Sign

  • Go to http://signage.uiowa.edu/user
  • Click Login and enter in your HawkID and password to log in to your sign.
  • Click on the group membership of the sign you are wanting to modify.

Add a Sign to your Group

  • Go to the Department\College group where the sign should be located.
  • Under "Create Content," choose "+ Sign
The "+ Sign" button under Create content
  • Enter in the following:
    • Administrative Title:  What the admin sees as the name of the sign within Drupal
ITS Help Desk administrative title
  • Display Title:  What is shown on the sign when it's up and running.
The ITS Help Desk display title
  • Choose a Reload time for your sign.  Default is 30 minutes for it to do a full page refresh.
  • Click Save.

Change your Layout

  • Go to the Sign you want to customize.
  • To customize the Layout, at the bottom of your sign, choose "Change Layout."
The change layout button
  • Choose between the 5 different layouts that are offered.
Five different layouts offered

To change the Widgets or Move Widgets Around

  • To change the widgets or move widgets around, choose "Customize this page."
The Customize this page button
  • The widgets with the four-arrow symbol are objects that you can move around.  Just click on the arrows and drag and drop where you want to place the widget.
The drag-and-drop four-arrow symbol
  • To add a new widget, click the section you would like the new widget to be placed in and click the + button.
Plus button
  • Choose the widget you would like and enter in any information pertaining to widget that you are choosing.
Add content to Top Left list

Add a Slide and Slideshow

You can add up to three different slideshows to a sign.  You need to first add your slide (aka image file) to the system.  Then you need to add the slide to the slideshow on the sign.

Add a Slide to the System

  • In your group's main page, click "+ Slide."
Showing the dgital Signage setup screen where you add a slide button
  • Add a "Title" of your slide.
  • Under "Slide Content" choose "Browse" to browse for the slide you want to upload.
    • Files must be less than 2 MB.
    • Allowed file types: png gif jpg jpeg.
    • Images must be larger than 1920x1080 pixels.
  • Click Next.
  • Enter in the "Alt Text."
  • Choose the "Image Ratio" of the image you just uploaded.
    • Take the dimension (1920x1080) and divide within each other (1920/1080).
      • 16:9 = 1.77777
      • 16:10 = 1.6
  • Under "Sign Group" you can choose which areas you have rights to that can also use this image.
  • Check "Share with All users" if you want anyone who has a sign in Drupal to be able to use your image.
  • Click Save.

Add a Slide to a Slideshow

  • Go to the sign you want to add a slide to.
The Signs section
  • Choose the Edit button
The Edit button
  • Add your slides to the appropriate slide show by clicking on "Add new slide" or "Add existing slide."
    • Add new slide:  For when you haven't add the slide (image) to the system yet.
    • Add existing slide:  For when the slide (image) is in the system already.
The Primary Slideshow section of the creation screen

If you are Adding an Existing Slide

  • Click Add Existing Slide.
  • Either type the title of the slide that is in the system or click "Search" to browse slides that are in the system.
Last updated
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