Why should I switch to the Outlook for Mac client?

The Outlook for Mac client:

  • Provides the best user experience for email and calendar in one app
  • Updates to the Outlook for Mac app have added new features and reliability for an improved user experience. Mac users now prefer this app over other options.

You can still use the Mac Mail app however, it just needs to be re-configured to use the more updated security measures.

NOTE:  Mac users need to be at OS 10.14 or higher

Configuring Outlook for Mac

Before switching to Outlook for Mac, you will need to install the Outlook for Mac app (you may need to work with your local IT support for help with installing).  Also make sure that your OS is up-to-date.

  1. Open the Self Service app from the Applications folder
  2. Login with your HawkID and HawkID password
  3. Click the Core Software option
  4. Click the Install button for Microsoft Office 2021
  5. Follow the prompts to install the software
  6. Open Outlook.
  7. On the "Welcome to Outlook" screen, click Add Email Account.
  8. On the "Enter your email address" screen, type your UI Email Alias eg: "firstname-lastname@uiowa.edu".
  9. Click Continue.
  10. On the "HawkID Login for 365" screen,
  • Change the HawkID field to your HawkID@uiowa.edu
  • Type your HawkID password in the Password field.
  1. Click Login
  • Note: If you have Two-Step Login with Duo Security, you will be prompted to complete login using Duo.
  1. On the 'HawkID@uiowa.edu" has been added prompt, click Done.  If you are prompted to Personalize Now, follow the prompts to setup Outlook with your preferences
  2. Close the Accounts window. 

Note: If you receive a message: "Outlook was redirected to the server  https://autodiscover-s.outlook.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml ...". Select "Always use my response for this server" and click Allow.

Note: A recent update has changed how some profiles send your Microsoft 365 email.  If you have messages sending from HawkID@uiowa.edu instead of your email alias (e.g.; firstname-lastname@uiowa.edu) or if people are having trouble viewing your shared calendar, then you will need to update your profile.

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Select the Tools tab and click Accounts
  3. On the Accounts Screen:
  • Select your Microsoft 365 account if you have more than one email account added.
  • Change the Account Description to your UI Email Alias eg: "firstname-lastname@uiowa.edu"
  • Change the E-mail address to your UI Email Alias eg: "firstname-lastname@uiowa.edu"
  1. Exit the Accounts Window.

Note: We recommend Mac users use the Microsoft 365 Web App to share your calendar or to grant permissions.

Reconfigure Mac Mail

Make sure that your OS is up-to-date and using at least Mac OS 10.14

  1. Launch Mac Mail
  2. Select Mail | Accounts
  3. Select your Microsoft 365 account (it may say Exchange or your HawkID)
  4. Click the Minus sign ( - )
  5. When prompted "Are you sure you want to delete the account XXXXXX?", click OK
  6. Close the Internet Accounts window
  7. Click Mail | Quit Mail
  8. Re-start Mail
  9. Account configuration will start automatically (NOTE:  if you have other accounts configured, choose Mail | Accounts)
  10. Choose Mail Type: Microsoft Exchange
  11. Click Continue
  12. Enter your name in the "Name" field if not already there
  13. In the Email Address field type your HawkID@uiowa.edu (e.g. jdoe@uiowa.edu)
  14. Click Sign In
  15. Click Sign In again
  • Enter your HawkID password
  • Click Log In
  • Complete Duo (if enrolled)
  1. Verify your account information and the apps you wish to synchronize with Mac Mail and click Done
  2. Next click Mail | Preferences | Accounts | Account Information
  3. Click Email Address
  4. Click Edit Email Addresses
  5. Click the + sign
  6. Type your email alias (first-last@uiowa.edu) 
  7. Click OK
  8. Select the new address to make it the default address. 
  9. Close the Accounts window
Last updated
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