What is a conversation?
In Skype for Business, a phone call or an Instant Message (IM or chat) is considered a conversation.
What is conversation history and where is it located?
Conversation history provides a summary of your conversations and is stored in the Outlook Conversation folder. Telephone call history includes details such as the date, time, telephone number and name (when available) for all incoming and outgoing calls; it does not include the contents of the call. Conversation history for Instant Messages includes date, time, participants and conversation text.
Conversation history can also be found in the Conversation tab in the Windows Skype for Business client client or the Chat tab on your Mac client.
Where are voicemail messages or missed calls located?
Voicemail messages and missed calls notifications (the caller hangs up before voicemail answers) are stored in the Outlook Inbox folder. Read more information about voicemail for Skype for Business.
How do I delete conversation history?
Since conversation history is stored in Outlook, it can be deleted the same way you would delete an email message; simply select the message and then press the Delete key. Conversation history deleted from Outlook will automatically be deleted from the Skype for Business Client. Similarly, conversations deleted from the Skype for Business client will automatically be deleted from Outlook.
Can conversation history be turned off?
Conversation history, like email, is discoverable under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). For that reason, individuals may choose to not save their conversation history, and turn off the option that allows for them to be automatically saved. Keep in mind that others you communicate with may keep their conversation history, so it is still discoverable.
To turn off conversation history (Windows only):
Open the “Options” configuration menu on your Skype for Business client. Select the “Personal” option. Deselect the options below, and then select the “OK” button to save your changes. Any future conversations will not be kept. Missed calls and voice mail messages will still be stored in your Outlook Inbox folder.

Note: it is not possible to turn off conversation history on the Mac Skype for Business client.