The SQL Server Agent only allows a single account to be owner of a scheduled job and only the owner can edit or update the job or the schedule.  This causes issues for workgroups where more than one person may need to update the same job.  To address this, customers are encouraged to create a SQL Agent job management account.

To do this, first create a Windows service ID at: 

Request a Service Account
















Account Type: Service ID

Account Name (suggested format): DEPT-SQL-Jobs

Once the account has been created and a password has been set and saved to a secure location, reach out to the SQL DBA team and they will grant the account the necessary permissions to create and edit jobs.  Also, specify what permissions are needed to execute the code within the job (e.g. read, write, or execute in a given database).

To use the SQL Agent job management account, right-click on SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) in the Windows Start menu, choosing Run as different user, and then enter the service account credentials.

Run As Different User











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