To renew the SAS license file for SAS 9.4, do the following:

  1. Close SAS.
  2. Select Start ► Programs ► SAS  ► Renew SAS Software 9.4.
  3. Right-click Renew SAS Software 9.4 and select Run As Administrator. If a User Access Control dialog box appears, click Allow. Otherwise, proceed to step 4.
  4. Browse to the SAS installation data (SID) file on your machine. Select the file and click Open.
    Note: The SID filename is in the format SAS94_order#_TSsite#_operatingsystem.txt, where order# is the unique order number for your site, site# is your 8-digit SAS TS site number, and operatingsystem is the valid operating system for the SID file. If you do not have the SID file, contact the campus software license office at
  5. Click Next.
  6. Verify the operating system and SAS products and then click OK.
  7. Click Renew.
    If the license renewal is successful, the following message is displayed:
         The setinit was successfully applied.
    If it is not successful, the message indicates so and displays the location of the setinit.log file. Review the setinit.log file in a text editor to check for errors.

Click here to see a video from SAS showing how to renew your SAS license.

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