Stata SE is a complete, integrated statistical software package for data analysis, management, and graphics.
How to Obtain
Package(s) and pricing
Stata User (exp 2-2026): $105.00
How do you obtain the software
ITS Software/Technology Order Form
This tool is distributed to end user systems or IT support person(s) after purchase.
Additional information to obtain the software
Network License: software can be installed on campus only and accessed remotely via VPN/remote desktop.
Form to add/remove/change users.
Support and Training
ITS Support Articles
Access Management Software Delivery
Vendor Support
STATA Support
License Restrictions
Who Can Use
IT Professionals
How can the software be used
Academic (teaching purposes)
Academic Research (UI funded research)
Other Research (federally or outside funded)
Administrative (business purposes)
Where can the software be used
UI owned Systems On Campus
UI owned Systems Off Campus
Faculty & Staff Home Use (personally owned system)
Student Lab Use
Student Classroom Use
About Software
StataCorp LP
Type of License
Annual (expires annually, eligible for upgrades during that year)
Single User License (One user, may include several installs)
License Renewal Date
Feb 10 2026
Agreement Information
Agreement Name
Stata End-User License Agreement Stata Release 16
Evaluation Date
Jan 5 2023
Risk Category
Some Risk
Additional License Information
The technology you have elected to purchase or obtain may tend to pose barriers to participation for some users, and it is recommended that you and your IT support person submit an Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan and be completed before deployment of this technology. Purchasing and Procuring Accessible Technology.
User Terms: I have purchased and will install the software for the number of licenses that I have purchased. Single User License: software may be installed on up to three locations, provided each license is only being used by one named user of all three systems. Network License: software can be installed on campus only and accessed remotely via VPN/remote desktop. Non-commercial use only.