Here are some options that allow you to move email from your M365 email account to an external email account (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.)
Here are some options that allow you to move email from your M365 email account to an external email account (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.)
You can use Outlook to move emails from your Microsoft 365 account to an external email provider (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.) In order to move your emails, you first must have both accounts configured in Outlook.
Configuring Outlook to Access Your Microsoft 365 Account
You can use Outlook to move emails from your Microsoft 365 account to an external email provider (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.) In order to move your emails you first must have both accounts configured in Outlook (Mac).
Configuring Outlook for Mac for Microsoft Office 365
You can use Mac Mail to move emails from your Microsoft 365 account to a different email account such as Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, etc. In order to transfer emails between two different email providers, you first must have the email accounts configured in Mac Mail.
Configuring Mac Mail to Access Your Microsoft 365 Account. See Apple's website regarding configuring email accounts with Mac Mail.
You must have a Microsoft Office/Outlook license to do this method.
Outlook for Windows
Outlook for Mac (Legacy) (must use Legacy version - review Mac Outlook Client Updates)
Next, make sure that you have configured Outlook to open your personal email account only.
Outlook for Windows
The emails and folders will appear in your currently selected folder. If you need to make any final adjustments, simply drag and drop the emails and folders to the correct location.
Outlook for Mac (Legacy)