Requesting a Batch Add of Resources

If you are requesting 5 or more resources, please email and attach a spreadsheet using the following information:

Column 1 -- Resource Name (e.g., RES-LC100B, RES-USB-Laptop).  Maximum 20 characters, including hyphens ("/" characters are not valid). Each resource must begin with RES- (included in 20 character limit) followed by BLDGRoom# or BLDG-EquipmentDescription

Column 2 -- Resource Owner - HawkID of the person who can request changes to the security group (Column 4)

Column 3 -- Resource Department - name of the department requesting the resource

Column 4 -- Security Group Members - List HawkIDs or "Universal" Security Group (must be mail enabled) of people needing access.  Separate each id with a semicolon

Column 5 -- Automatically Process Meeting Requests and Cancellations -- Yes or No

Column 6 -- Allow Conflicts -- Yes or No

Column 7 -- Is the resource a Room or Equipment

Column 8 - Requestor Name

Column 9 - Requestor Email

Column 10 - Requestor Department

Column 11 - Requestor Phone

 For more information see Managing an Microsoft 365 Resource

Article number: 
Last updated: 
June 27, 2024