Two ITS employees sit at the walk-in desk in front of the ITS Iowa logo signage

Information Technology Services (ITS) caters to the diverse technology needs of University of Iowa students, employees, and visitors. ITS provides technical support, resources, and services to help everyone at the UI work smarter, faster, and safer.


Using Read&Write in Canvas promotional image

Using Read&Write in Canvas

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 8:30am to 9:30am
Discover how Read&Write, a comprehensive literacy support tool, can transform everyday academic tasks into efficient and manageable undertakings. With a large variety of features, Read&Write is designed to aid in your reading, writing, and studying experiences. This training will provide an overview into how to effectively use Read&Write in your academic work with a focus on how to apply the Read&Write features in your ICON site. Whether you're an instructor preparing course materials or a...

CAFÉ: Course Accessibility For Everyone

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 10:30am to 12:00pm
Faculty, instructional staff, instructional designers, and other educators are welcome to a 90-minute presentation on accessibility techniques in ICON, the University of Iowa implementation of Canvas. eden jones of the Office of Teaching, Learning, and Technology, will lead this session.

Unlocking Microsoft Copilot’s Potential: Prompting Best Practices

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 11:00am to 12:00pm
Unlock the full potential of Microsoft Copilot by mastering the art of effective prompting in this training session. Participants will learn key principles of crafting clear, concise and contextually relevant prompts to get the best responses from Copilot.
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