To mitigate the risk of the Remote Code Execution on Windows Print Spooler Service disclosed last week by Microsoft, Enterprise Infrastructure is disabling and stopping the Print Spooler Service on all CAS, SAS, and co-managed servers unless it is explicitly needed (i.e. Print Servers and a handful of other systems).
A GPO (datactr-servers-printspooler-disabled) will be linked at the Datactr | Servers OU level that sets the Print Spooler service to disabled and stops it. Where the Print Spooler service is needed, a separate GPO (datactr-servers-printspooler-auto) can be linked to override the parent GPO and sets the service to automatic start.
The disable GPO will be linked at 12:00pm on Wednesday, July 7, and as systems refresh their policy (every 90 minutes), the Print Spooler service will get stopped and disabled. Please contact the ITS Help Desk with questions or concerns.