Saturday, June 8, 2024 - 5:00am
Saturday, June 8, 2024 - 9:00am

Multiple Oracle servers will be impacted with the June Infrastructure Day work by EI. Expect brief outages of services running on or utilizing the following Oracle servers: BAGEL, SCONE, TOAST and MELBA.  Additional services utilizing any of the Oracle databases may be impacted too due to dependencies.   Disruptions are estimated to last 5 minutes, some may extend longer. Existing or new connections to the database may fail such as a running sql job may need to be restarted. Please review your services for any errors or reschedule processes to avoid this window.

Bagel - aprprod, ecoiprod, facprod, hawkirb, isisprod, preqprod, profilep, smacprod, webmiscp

Scone - acdbprod, awprod, cfdev, nm01prod, nolij6p, pcrdprod, radarprd, saprod, unipcrdp

Toast - dwprod

Melba – dwtest

Last updated: 
Saturday, June 8, 2024 - 9:00am