If you are conducting a large survey which will be distributed using the Qualtrics "Email Survey" feature, you may encounter the following message:

"This email distribution cannot be sent. You are allowed to send 10k emails per week. Contact your account rep to up the limit."

If this is the case, we can temporarily increase your email distribution limit.  In order to do so, please send an email to the ITS eCollaboration group (its-ecollaboration@uiowa.edu) and include the following information: 

  1. Account holder's userID:
  2. Account holder's first and last name:
  3. Approximate estimate of the number of emails you will need to send via Qualtrics (this will be the new temporary limit we will set).  
    Please Note:  This number should also include any Reminder, Follow-up or Thank You messages you plan to send using this feature.  So, if you send the message to 8,000 users and plan to send both Reminder and Thank You messages to your users, you will want to take those numbers into consideration when providing your estimate.
  4. Please specify a date to revert to your original 10,000 limit.
  5. Will this survey be sent on a regular basis (annually, biannually, monthly, etc.)?
  6. Please provide a brief summary the purpose for your survey, as well as the target population (e.g., students, faculty & staff, both students and staff, etc.).



Article number: 
Last updated: 
March 15, 2017