Available to
IT Professionals
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This server hosts Java and JSP based web applications on a server running Linux and Tomcat. The service is often used to host a Java or JSP application that provides web-based access to a database hosted on ITS servers. The service is accessed through consultants in the ITS Application Development Group.

Current Status

There are currently no alerts.


Services scheduled for maintenance over the next 7 days. Please refer to the calendar view of alerts for a complete schedule.
There is currently no planned maintenance.

Past 90 Days

Color bar indicators flow left to right, from oldest to most recent status.

Alert History

Thursday, November 29, 2018 - 6:00am
Thursday, November 29, 2018 - 6:15am

Certificates for the OneIT Jamf Pro server will be updated.  This will require a restart of the Tomcat web service which will cause a brief interruption in service.  This will be done at the beginning of the normal maintenance window and should only impact service for a few minutes.

Last updated: 
Thursday, November 29, 2018 - 6:15am

Tomcat Contact Information

Andrew Rinner, andrew-rinner@uiowa.edu