This support article pertains to the SiteNow v1 platform. Click here for SiteNow v2 documentation.

Users can use the "Person" content type to create listings of people such as faculty, staff, and students on their SiteNow website.

Instructions for creating a directory and adding people to it

  1. Click 'Add content' in the shortcut toolbar.
  2. Click 'Person.'
  3. Fill out the form to add a person to the site. Note: This will NOT give users access to the site.
    1. You must give a first and last name to every added person. 
    2. A photo can also be added by clicking 'Browse,' selecting an image, clicking 'Upload,' 'Next,' and entering alternative and (optionally) title text.
    3. Other information such as phone number, email, website, and office can be added but are not required.
      If a website is added, a valid URL will automatically be formatted as a link when the person is published.
    4. A résumé can also be added. Uploaded résumés must be less than 50MB and be uploaded as one of the specified file formats (txt, pdf, doc, docx).
  4. Click 'Save' when you are finished providing information about the person.

By default, all "Person" content will be listed on the People page. To display only certain categories of people or to display different people on different pages, add terms to the Person Type taxonomy and tag the Person content and add/configure the panes as desired.

Article number: 
Last updated: 
October 8, 2019