Microsoft 365 offers a variety of UI Directory and Distribution Lists options. Some of these lists and views can be automatically generated from institutional data. The options are described below.

Organization Views

Microsoft 365 uses "Organization Views" or "Org Views." One can browse these views via the GAL (Global Address List) and send to the individuals or groups.

  • ITS will automatically create an Org view for each Organization.
  • Each member of the Org will be listed in that view.
  • The name will be the same as the Human Resources name for that Organization.
  • All Office 365 users will be able to browse this Org view and send e-mail to each individual listed.

The Outlook user can set this Org view as their default Address Book.

Outlook -- Click the Address Book iconChoose Tools | Options.  Select Start with Global Address List.   In the "When opening the address book, show this address list first" field, click the down arrow and select the list to open.  Click OK.


Organization Security Groups

Organizational Groups are distribution lists or mailing lists.

ITS will automatically create an Organizational Group for each Organization.  However, if you need one created you can use the Requesting a Departmental Mailing List form.

  • The name will be the same as the Human Resources Name for that Organization.
  • This group will actually be a "superlist" containing all of the departments within that Organization.
  • Each member of the Org will be able to send to the departments or the entire Organization, but not to any one individual in that Group.
  • Only members of that Organization will be able to send e-mail to that Organization Group.
  • Only members of that Organization will be able to send e-mail to the Departmental Subgroups.
  • Non-Office 365 users who send from their alias, if they are part of that same Org, can also send to these Groups or Subgroups.

These Group and Subgroups are security groups and therefore can be used to set access rights for resources or shared accounts.


Listserv offers several types of lists (public, private, moderated); online, searchable archives; and user initiated subscribe and unsubscribes. If you need these options then we recommend Listserv.

Personal Distribution Lists

Personal Distribution lists are maintained by the individual user. Outlook and Outlook on the web, for both calendar and e-mail, can access the same contacts folder and personal distribution lists.

Note: Personal Distribution lists can be nested - meaning a distribution list can contain other lists. Break large lists into several smaller lists and create a "superlist" that contains the "sublists."


Creating a Distribution List/Group: 

  1. Open Outlook 
  2. Click on "People"
    people icon outlook
    icon on the left part of the screen. 
  3. Click the down arrow on New Contact on the toolbar.
  4. Select Contact Group 
  5. Enter the name of the group you wish to create in the "Name" field.
  6. To add members to the group click "Add Members" from the top toolbar.
  7. After clicking on "Add Members" you will be asked what method you wish to enter those group members: From Outlook Contacts, From Address Book, or New Email Contact. Select the method you wish to use and add the person.

From Address Book

  1. Type the name of the person you wish to add (lastname, firstname)
  2. Select their name and click Members.  Repeat for each person. 
  3. Click OK

From Outlook Contacts

  1. Type the name of the contact you wish to add
  2. Select their name and click Members.  Repeat for each person
  3. Click OK

New Email Contact

  1. Type the Display name for the new contact
  2. Type the E-mail address
  3. Select Add to Contacts checkbox if it isn't already
  4. Click OK
  1. Once you have added the members to the group click "Save & Close" from the taskbar on the top of the page.

Creating a New Message to Send to a Distribution List: 

  1. Click on "New Email" at the top left on the taskbar.
  2. In the "To:" field type the name of the Distribution List or click To button and click the down arrow of the Address Book field.
  3. Select the address book to search (e.g., Contacts) 
  4. Type the name of the distribution list and click the right arrow
  5. Select the list name and click To button.
  6. Click OK
  7. Type the text of the message and click Send

Modifying a Distribution List: 

  1. Click on "People"  
    people icon outlook
  2. Find the group in the list and double click it.
  3. To add a member to the list: click on the "Add Members" icon on the taskbar.  Follow the steps above in Step 7 of Creating a Distribution list for instructions.  
  4. To remove a member of the list: highlight the user's display name and email address and click "Remove Member" from the top taskbar.
  5. Click Save & Close to save changes. 

These instructions are for when you are using the Mac Outlook "old" app. The "new" Outlook does not yet support Contact Lists. See for more information

Creating a Distribution List/Group: 

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Click on the People icon (
    ) on the toolbar
  3. Next, make sure the “Home” tab on the top left side of the page is selected and then click the “New Contact List” button.
    1. If this button is grayed out, go to the top left of the screen where the Macintosh logo is and click on Outlook | Preferences | General and deselect the box labeled “Hide on My Computer folders”.
  4. In the new window that shows up, enter a name for the distribution list where it says “Untitled List”.
  5. If you don’t want members of the group to see everyone’s information, such as their email addresses, then check the box directly below the name of the group labeled “Use Bcc”.
  6. To add members to the distribution list, either click the “Add” button that’s located above the group name or simply double click the first line under the “Name” section.
    1. If the person you are adding is in your contacts, start typing their name and you should see their information appear in a window below. Click their name and the email should be filled in for you.
    2. If the person you wish to add is not a contact and does not appear when you type their name in, simply enter their email in manually. To do this, just double click the section to the right of their name under the title “E-mail", type their name and then select it to add to the list. 
  7. After entering all the names you want, press the “Save and Close” button on the top left of the page.

Creating a New Message to Send to a Distribution List: 

  1. Select the Mail icon (
    ) at the bottom left of the screen and make sure the "Home" tab is selected.
  2. Click the “New Email” button at the top left of the page.
  3. In the “To” box, start typing in the name of your distribution list. A window will appear showing you similar contacts. Find and click the name of your distribution list.
  4. After this, write the email as you normally would. When you send it, Outlook will send the email to all the members of the group for you.

Modifying a Distribution List:

  1. Click on the People icon (
    ) located on the toolbar.
  2. Find the distribution list in your list of contacts or use the “Find a Contact” search bar at the top of the screen to find it.
    1. By default, the search bar will usually search in “All Folders”. This can make it difficult to find your specific group. To fix this, simply select “Address Book” instead of “All Folders”
  3. Once you find your distribution list, double click on its name.
  4. Here you will see the same dialog you did when creating the group. You can rename the group, add members following the same steps as before, or remove members by clicking on their name and then clicking the “Remove” button at the top of the screen.
  5. Once done making changes, click the “Save and Close” button at the top left of the window.

Creating a Distribution List/Group:

  1. Login to Outlook on the web
  2. Click Outlook 
  3. Click the People 
    people icon owa
  4. Click the dropdown arrow to the right of the "New contact" button at the top of the window.
  5. Choose "New contact list" from the dropdown window that appears.
  6. In the "Contact list name" field, type the name of the list
  7. In the "Add email addresses" field, start typing the name of a contact you wish to add to the group. You should see their information appear. Click on their name and they will be added. If their information does not show up, add them as a contact first, then add them to the list.
  8. Once done adding people, click the "Create" button.

Creating a New Message to Send to a Distribution List:

  1. Login to Outlook on the web
  2. Click Outlook 
  3. Click the “New Mail” button.
  4. In the “To” section, start typing the name of your distribution list. It should show up in a dropdown window, click on it to select it.
    1. If you just created the list it may not show up at right away.  If it doesn't, wait a few minutes and try again.
  5. Compose the email how you normally would. Then click the “Send” button.  OWA will send the email to everyone in the list.

Modifying a Distribution List:

  1. Login to Outlook on the web
  2. Click Outlook 
  3. Click the People 
    people icon outlook for the web
  4. Find your list by scrolling through your contact lists or searching for it in the "Search contacts, directory, and groups" field, at the top of the screen
  5. Click on the name of your group.
  6. Click the Edit button.
  7. You can change the name of the group in the Contact list name field or you can add members to the group or remove members by clicking the “X” to the right of their name.
  8. Once done making the changes to the group, click the “Save” button at the top of the window.

Creating a Distribution List/Group:

  1. Start by opening “Contacts”.
  2. Ensure groups are viewable on the left side of the contacts window.
    1. If they are not, click View at the top of the screen and then select Show Groups.
  3. Click on the location where you would like to save your distribution list. For this example, select All on My Mac
  4. At the top left side of the screen, click “File” then “New Group
  5. Type in a new name for the group where it says “untitled group” and press Enter.
  6. To add contacts to your new list, select “All Contacts” at the top left of the window.
  7. Find the contact you want to add, drag, and drop it over the name of your new list.
    1. You can select multiple contacts by holding the “Command” button down while selecting them. Once all the contacts you want are selected, simply drag and drop one of the selected items over your new list and they will all be added.
    2. Likewise if you want to select every contact, press the “Command” key and the “A” key at the same time. Everything will be selected and you can just drag and drop like before.

Creating a New Message to Send to a Distribution List: 

  1. Start by opening up mail.
  2. Click on the “Compose New Message” button on the top left corner of the mail window.
  3. In the “To:” section, type the name of your distribution list. You should see your group appear below; click on it.
  4. Compose the email how you normally would.
  5. Once done, send it. The email will send to everyone in the list.

Modifying a Distribution List:

  1. Start by opening “Contacts”.
  2. Ensure groups are viewable on the left side of the contacts window.
    1. If they are not, click “View” at the top of the screen and then select “Show Groups”.
  3. To add contacts to your list, select “All Contacts” at the top left of the window.
  4. Find the contact you want to add, drag, and drop it over the name of your new list.
    1. You can select multiple contacts by holding the “Command” button down while selecting them. Once all the contacts you want are selected, simply drag and drop one of the selected items over your new list and they will all be added.
    2. Likewise if you want to select every contact, press the “Command” key and the “A” key at the same time. Everything will be selected and you can just drag and drop like before.
  5. To remove contacts, click on the list name on the left to display the contacts in the group.
  6. Select the contact you want to remove.
  7. At the top left of the screen, near the Macintosh logo, click “Edit | Remove From Group”.


  1. Have the person open Outlook
  2. Click the People icon
  3. Click the Share Contacts icon
  4. Select As an Outlook Contact
  5. Add recipient(s) to the message
  6. Click Send

Share your Contacts folder

Other apps:

  1. Have the person copy the addresses from their distribution list and paste them into an email message.
  2. When you receive the message, copy the addresses.
  3. At the bottom (left) of the page, click the People tab
  4. Under the New section of the menu bar, click New Contact Group.
  5. [If prompted] under Put this Entry, click In The Contacts. This selection determines where your new distribution list is saved. This is the default location.
  6. Click OK.
  7. In the Name box, type the name of your new contact group.
  8. Click the Add Members button to add members from any of your Address Book entries or Contacts.
    • Copy and paste members from the received distribution list here.
  9. Click Save And Close to save the new distribution list.
  10. The name of the distribution list appears bold as compared to the other entries in the contact folder. In table views, the distribution list name appears in the Full Name field. You can view the members of the list by opening the entry.Type a name for the new list.


Article number: 
Last updated: 
September 19, 2023