All Services
3D Printing & Machining
The Engineering Machine Shop provides support for 3D printing and other machining needs. Fees may apply.
A/V Design & Installation
Design and installation for campus audiovisual technology.
Access Management
Access Management is a self-service membership management tool built for the University of Iowa. With Access Management, you can manage your groups and access to resources from one central location using a familiar interface.
Accessibility and Assistive Technology
Referral-based technology support for persons with disabilities.
Accessing Work Resources from Off Campus
Before you begin working remotely, understand what you'll need to do to access computing resources.
Account/Identity Management
ITS-AIS provides identity and access management (IAM) services including account provisioning, authentication, and tools.
Active Directory
Active Directory allows for enterprise authentication using a single HawkID (unique login ID).
Adobe Acrobat Pro
Adobe Acrobat is a software used to view, create, manipulate, print, and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF).
Adobe Creative Cloud
Adobe Creative Cloud is a software offering that gives users access to a collection of software developed by Adobe for graphic design, video editing, web development, photography, and cloud services.
Advanced Research Computing with ACCESS
The US National Science Foundation's ACCESS program provides advanced computational resources to take your research to the next level.
AirServer Service
AirServer is a software based mirroring program that works with both Mac OS X and Windows. It allows a machine to receive the AirPlay content from a capable device.
The Alertus is a desktop notification component of the University of Iowa’s emergency notification system.
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
AWS is an enterprise-grade cloud platform provided to campus by Amazon.
Anthology Ally
Anthology Ally is a plugin for Canvas (ICON) that gives instructors in-line feedback on the accessibility of the content of their courses, as well as giving students the opportunity to download content in alternative formats (for example, you can download an audio mp3 of text content). It will be...
Antivirus Security
All computers (Mac, PC, and Linux) are susceptible to viruses, spyware, and malware. That is why it is important to protect your computer from potential viruses by having an antivirus program installed on your computer.
Support for Geographical Information Systems on campus.
Available Software
Browse our list of available software titles.
Azure Dev Tools for Teaching
Azure Dev Tools for Teaching supports technical education by providing access to Microsoft software for learning, teaching, and research purposes. This is not for administrative or production workloads.
Azure Virtual Desktop
Azure Virtual Desktop is a virtual desktop and application service (similar to Citrix) that runs on Microsoft's cloud-based infrastructure.
Bitbucket Server
Bitbucket Server is a code repository service using Git as the backend technology and Atlassian Bitbucket Server as the front end tool. This service is no longer supported on campus.
Bookings gives you a faster alternative to time-consuming and repetitive scheduling tasks. Customize appointment details and booking requirements, and specify service providers to streamline the booking experience.
Cable TV
Find information about cable TV channel listings, fees, contact information and more.
Calendar Combiner
Calendar Combiner helps manage University dates on your Office 365 and external calendars. These dates can include: course meeting times and locations, University holidays, and Registrar dates.
Campus Data Network Connectivity
ITS provides the Ethernet data networks that connect the campus community.
Campus Data Portal
ITS-AIS provides infrastructure to publish and find data through our campus data catalog.
Clickers allow students to enter responses through mobile devices and can be used as a formative assessment tool and help promote active learning.
CloudCheckr is a cloud billing tool provided to users of AWS and Azure services.
Commons is a learning object repository that enables educators to find, import, and share resources.
Copilot is an AI-powered platform used to search for information, create content, and communicate with others.
Core Application Services
Core Application Services offers full-service systems administration for applications with enterprise-level service (used by a majority of campus users) and availability (near 24/7) requirements for campus.
Custom Application Development & Integration
Custom software development and consulting to departments, faculty, researchers, and staff to provide innovative solutions that expand possibilities, improve processes, and reduce complexity and costs.
Data Center Operations & Services
The University of Iowa enterprise datacenters house computer systems that run production services critical to students, faculty, and staff. Enterprise datacenters also provide colocation space and support for departments and researchers.
Data Center Proxy
The data center proxy service provides customers of the ITS Virtual Service, Physical Servers or co-location customers a means to access the Internet via a web proxy.
Data, Analytics, and Insights
ITS-AIS provides Data, Analytics, and Insights.
Database Consulting
ITS-AIS provide database administration and modeling related consulting.
Departmental Printing
Departmental printing options and resources
Digital Signage
Digital signage is a technology that will allow you to post information that you would traditionally put on a bulletin board on a digital display. This service uses Drupal to display content.
ITS-AIS provides infrastructure to support communication campaigns through our Dispatch web service.
Fast, secure, and reliable wireless network provided to the University of Iowa campus.
eFax allows customers to send and receive faxes utilizing Outlook, replacing the need for traditional fax machines and analog phone lines.
Electronic Door Access Automation
ITS, in partnership with Facilities Management and the Department of Public Safety, provides the ability for university organizations to automate electronic door access rights assignment for individuals based upon University affiliation.
Elements of Success
Elements of Success gives students real time information about their grades, course performance, and learning behaviors that help them achieve their desired course outcomes.
This is a collection of resources about encryption for stored information on portable devices, such as laptops, tablets, and externally attached storage. Encryption is a method to protect digital information that relies on scrambling.
EndNote is a software used to create and organize bibliographic references, images, and PDFs, as well as, help you search online databases.
Enterprise Application Development
ITS-AIS provide traditional analysis, design, programming, testing and integration for enterprise applications spanning a variety of platforms and technologies.
Enterprise Application Development Consulting
ITS-AIS provides technical expertise and consulting related to enterprise application development and implementation.
Enterprise Application Integration
ITS-AIS provide implementation and integration support for vended applications.
Enterprise Server Hosting
ITS provides colocation services in the campus Data Center. The service provides customers with a secure location and network connectivity for housing mission-critical servers.
Enterprise Service Center (ESC)
Enterprise Service Center (ESC) is a cloud-based service management solution that helps teams in organizations to implement, automate and upgrade service and support processes.
Exam Scoring
Gradescope Bubble Sheets is an online assignment that allows instructors to create digital multiple-choice answer keys for automatic grading of student submissions.
Extended Technical Support
ETS is a cost recovery service for implementing technical support within University departments.
Fetch (FTP Client)
Fetch is a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) program for the Macintosh OS. Visit the ITS Software Services site to download the Fetch installer.
FileMaker Hosting and Administration
ITS provides a central host for campus solutions produced with the FileMaker suite of tools.
FileVault Encryption
This service provides a simplified administrative interface for managing and monitoring FileVault encryption on MacOS systems. It also offers enhanced protection against data theft and data exposure for MacOS systems that are lost or stolen.
A firewall filters incoming Internet traffic while allowing you (and those behind your firewall) to communicate with the Internet.
Galaxy is an open, web-based platform for accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational biomedical research.
GitLab Administrative
GitLab is a web-based Git-repository manager providing wiki and issue-tracking, using an open-source license, developed by GitLab Inc.
GitLab Research & Academic
GitLab Research & Academic is a web-based Git repository manager for the UI research and academic communities to save source code and assist with change management efforts related to software development.
Gradescope is a feedback and assessment tool that reduces the pain and time associated with grading exams, homework, and other assignments. It is widely used for delivering assessments in any format (online, in-person, hybrid).
Hawk Alert
The Hawk Alert System is the emergency notification system used to transmit brief emergency messages to the University's population as quickly as possible.
The HawkID is the unique personal electronic identification for faculty, staff, students, and guests. It functions as a username that grants access to many online UI services.
High Performance Computing
High performance computing (HPC) accelerates the process of discovery for research that involves computationally-intensive problems.
Home Drive (Files@Iowa)
A Home Drive is a private space where files can be stored. Up to 25 GB of storage is available to all faculty, staff, and students free of charge and can be accessible from work or home.
ICON is the learning management system at the University of Iowa.
ICON Direct
ICON Direct will connect students and faculty to their required digital course content through ICON.
Information Access and Decision Support
ITS-AIS provides support and infrastructure for publishing institutional data to the University Data Warehouse.
Innovations in Teaching with Technology Awards (ITTA)
The goal of the ITTA program is to raise the level of teaching and learning at the UI by supporting significant and innovative instructional technology projects that impact teaching and learning.
Instructional Technology Centers (ITCs)
ITCs, commonly known as computer labs, are located across campus and supported by Learning Spaces Technology group.
Interactive Data Analytics Service (IDAS)
The Interactive Data Analytics Service supports large-scale and collaborative data analytics using interactive tools such as RStudio, Jupyter Notebook, and JupyterLab.
Iowa Health Data Resource Data Enclave
The Iowa Health Data Resource Data Enclave is a storage service for researchers to analyze clinical data from University of Iowa Health Care on the Argon and Interactive Data Analytics Service (IDAS) high performance computing systems.
IT Security Information
Various resources and guidance regarding information security.
IT Service Alerts
Receive alerts and notices for ITS service downtimes and outages via email, web or RSS feeds.
ITConnect is the Infrastructure Tracking and Billing System.
ITS Help Desk
The ITS Help Desk provides support for the University community on IT services, technology and software.
ITS Laptop and Projector Rental
The ITS rental service offers short-term notebook computer and portable projector rentals for UI departments needing equipment for conferences, short term, travel and other purposes.
JAMF Pro Apple Device Management
Apple Device Management for University of Iowa owned Apple devices is provided through JAMF Pro and ITS ECM.
This solution is intended to assist departmental technical staff in determining whether the ITS shared LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) service is appropriate for the needs of their department.
Large Scale Storage (LSS)
Large Scale Storage is available to all University of Iowa faculty, researchers and departments. LSS is useful for backups, archiving, HPC workloads, and storing large files (e.g. video or image files) or data sets.
Learning Spaces Technology Support Center
Support for UCR, ITC, Learning Commons, and TILE rooms
Linux is a Unix-like operating system assembled under the model of free and open-source software. Find instructions on how to use Linux here.
Linux Software Mirrors
University of Iowa Linux software package mirrors for on-campus systems that require Linux patching and targeted Linux software packages.
LISTSERV - Mailing List Service
This is the campus-wide email list service.
LISTSERV Owner Information
LISTSERV is a campus wide e-mail list service available to students, faculty and staff used to collaborate and share information with a large group of people.
Load Balancer
A load balancer is a device that acts as a reverse proxy and distributes network or application traffic across a number of servers.
This Info Center is designed to provide information and basic troubleshooting tips about features and security measures in the Mac operating system.
Managed Application and Platform Level Services
ITS provides several Managed Application and Platform Level Services to meet the needs of campus. Please see the flowchart below for additional detail on these offerings.
Mass Mail
The UI Mass Email Service provides for the distribution of mass email messages (more than 1000 users) to the campus community under a system of administrative approvals.
Mathematica is a modern technical computing system spanning most areas of technical computing — including neural networks, machine learning, image processing, geometry, data science, visualizations, and others.
This service allows campus users to utilize a centrally funded, yearly, renewable, licensed copy of MathWorks MatLab on University owned or personal devices.
Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 provides virtually anywhere access to familiar Office tools, plus enterprise email, conferencing, and more IT services that are hosted in the Cloud (managed remotely on servers owned by Microsoft).
Microsoft 365: Email & Calendaring
Microsoft 365 is the primary campus email and calendaring service for Faculty, Staff, and Students. The service can be used through a web interface and email clients such as Microsoft Outlook, as well as mobile devices.
Microsoft Azure
Azure is an enterprise-grade cloud platform provided to campus by Microsoft.
Microsoft Configuration Manager (MCM)
Microsoft Configuration Manager, formerly called Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager, is a free tool to help manage Windows systems across the network right from your own desk.
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office is a collection of software programs commonly used in an office or school environment. It is available on both Windows and Mac and is offered for free through Office 365 for all students, faculty, and staff.
Microsoft Planner
Microsoft Planner allows your teams to create new work plans, organize and assign tasks, share files, chat about what you're working on, and get updates on progress. It can be used as a web-based dashboard, or as part of your Microsoft Team.
Microsoft Power BI
PowerBI is a business intelligence / reporting platform developed by Microsoft.
Microsoft Skype for Business
Microsoft Skype for Business (Lync) enables users to communicate securely. Skype for Business unifies voice and video calls, meetings, presence, and instant messaging in one easy-to-use client.
Microsoft SQL Server Hosting and Administration
ITS-Enterprise Infrastructure provides Microsoft SQL database administration, management, and hosting support services.
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams is your online chat-based hub for teamwork integrated with your Office 365 email account. It's an app that helps your team have real-time conversations using chat instead of email, securely share and collaborate on files, and more.
Mobile Development
ITS can help groups on campus get their apps published to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store and can assist in packaging apps for distribution to managed devices using MDM.
MyUI is a web-based portal where students can access UI information and records, course websites, and a host of key resources.
MyWeb provides web space hosted by the University for faculty, staff, and students to publish personal, academic-related content.
Office 365 GCC High
This service is for researchers who have contracts that require compliant email (contracts that specifically mention NIST or ITAR compliance, for example).
OneDrive for Business
Free for all faculty, staff, and students, OneDrive for Business is a secure and reliable cloud storage service; your "Home Drive" in the cloud.
Online Training Videos (LinkedIn Learning)
LinkedIn Learning is an online training library that provides access to thousands of online video courses on a wide range of technologies.
Oracle Hosting and Administration
ITS-AIS provides Oracle database administration, management, and hosting support services.
Password Vault
Password vault is a secure, on-prem solution for storing account passwords for IT Professionals on campus
Peerceptiv is a tool to augment peer-review of writing. It enables instructors to describe assignments and the process of peer review, create reviewing rubrics, and establish a communication framework for students to share and respond to each other.
Phishing and Anti-Spam Efforts
Phishing is an identity-theft scam that uses "spoofed" or fake emails and websites to trick people into giving out personal information, such as credit card numbers, usernames and passwords, or social security numbers. Learn how to stay safe.
Phonebook/Email Lookup
ITS-AIS provides interfaces and lookups to campus white pages directory. Directory information may be updated here.
Plagiarism Detection
Plagiarism detection is available through Turnitin and iThenticate. These tools ensure original work by using text matching to assist plagiarism and collusion checks.
From any computer, the PowerUp tool allows you to wake up an on-campus computer that has been powered off.
Pressbooks is easy-to-use book writing software that lets you create a book in all the formats you need to publish. Pressbooks delivers print-ready PDF files, as well as ebook files optimized to look great on mobile devices.
Printing in Computer Labs (ITCs)
Printing in Computer Labs (ITCs) and Libraries on Campus
ProGet (Inedo)
ProGet is a Package management system, designed by the Inedo software company. It allows teams to host and manage packages; ready to install applications, and components.
Project Management Office
The University of Iowa Information Technology (IT) Project Management Office (PMO) is the primary source for the University’s IT project management needs.
Protecting Sensitive Data
Information on how to properly safeguard sensitive research data
Puppet software is a configuration management and automation tool.
The Qualtrics survey tool is an easy-to-use, web-based survey and data collection tool for creating and conducting online surveys.
Read&Write is an accessibility software for reading, writing, research, and studying to help students of all ages succeed independently.
REDCap (Research Electric Data Capture)
REDCap is a secure web platform for building and managing online databases and surveys. Its streamlined process for rapidly creating and designing projects offers a vast array of tools that can be tailored to virtually any data collection strategy.
Remote Desktop
Remote Desktop is a Windows feature that allows you to remotely access another computer through the Internet.
RemoteAdmin Service for Access to Secured Servers and Administrative Applications
Overview of the RemoteAdmin service, which provides easy access to administrative applications and tools via Remote Desktop Services (RDS) and provides a way for departmental administrators to connect to firewalled servers.
RescueVoice is a purpose-built speech-generating app engineered specifically for first responders and medical personnel to use with individuals who have limited speech or who are unable to speak because of a medical event.
Research Data Collaboration Service (RDCS)
RDCS is meant to help researchers share & transfer data more easily with both internal and external collaborators.
Research Data Storage Options
There are several file storage options available to researchers depending on needs.
Research Data Storage Service (RDSS)
Research Data Storage Service (RDSS) offers 5 TB of network file storage to UI faculty researchers.
Research Remote Desktop Service
The Research Remote Desktop Service (RRDS) provides a Windows virtual desktop environment through which users can remotely access research data and pre-installed analysis software.
Research Technology Consulting
Specialized consultation for research computing, storage, compliance, grant development, data analysis, and more.
ResNet is a service offered by University Housing in conjunction with Information Technology Services (ITS) that provides all students living in residence halls with a computer data port connection to the campus network and Internet.
Respondus Inc. are the developers for the quiz authoring tool Respondus 4.0 and the secure Respondus LockDown Browser. Both pieces of software are available to users on campus.
The SBGrid Consortium is a group that maintains an extensive set of applications to support structural biology research.
Secure Device Service for NIST-regulated Projects
The Secure Device Service is designed to simplify meeting the NIST 800-171 regulations for research project computer security by providing pre-setup, secured laptops or workstations managed by ITS.
SecureCRT is a terminal emulator for secure access to UNIX, Linux, or VMS applications from Windows, Mac, and Linux. SecureCRT lets you manage many sessions at once. SecureCRT automates routine tasks.
Security Consulting, Reviews and Assessments
Perform IT Security evaluations of computer systems and facilities, and provide recommendations to improve security or reach compliance with regulations.
Shared Drive (Files@Iowa)
The Shared Drive (Files@Iowa) allows users within departments or units to save their files to a backed-up, shared location that can be accessible from work or home.
SharePoint Online
SharePoint Online is a cloud-based service on Office 365 available to colleges, departments and organizations for storing, sharing and managing files, content, knowledge, and applications with both internal and external team members/collaborators.
ITS-AIS provides tools to enable federated authentication using local credentials (HawkID and password) for access to local and remote resources.
SITA - Student Instructional Technology Assistants
Student Instructional Technology Assistants (SITAs) work one-on-one with instructors on projects that enhance instruction with technology.
The SiteNow service provides website solutions based on the Drupal open-source content management system (CMS).
Software and Technology Tool Licensing and Acquisition
Assistance for software and technology tool acquisition and licensing. Find information about reviewed titles and the University of Iowa software and technology tool review process.
Specialized Application Services
Specialized Application Services provides managed application and full-service system administration to our customers to help them to deliver applications and services to their users.
SPSS is a software package used for interactive, or batched, statistical analysis.
Statistical Analysis System (SAS)
Statistical Analysis System (SAS) is an integrated system of software products provided by SAS Institute Inc.
Student Perceptions of Teaching (SPOT)
The UI Student Perceptions of Teaching (SPOT) survey collects student feedback on their instructor.
System Monitoring and Alerting
Enterprise Infrastructure offers several monitoring and alerting solutions for ITS managed and co-managed systems
TeamDynamix is a time tracking tool used for project management.
Technology Assisted Stalking, Harassment and Intimidation
Provides resources for assistance with technology-related issues such as harassment and intimidation.
Telephone and Voice Services
OneIT Unified Communication Services provides telephone service throughout the University of Iowa's main and Oakdale campuses. This does not include University of Iowa Health Care.
TILE - transform, interact, learn, engage
The TILE (Transform, Interact, Learn, Engage) program creates new learning space structures that address a variety of teaching and learning needs on campus and help recruit and retain students.
TLS Certificates for Secure Communications
Subsidized TLS certificates for campus servers, which allow for encrypted communications. Most commonly used for HTTPS on web servers.
Servlet container for Java & JSP based web applications
Two-Step Login with Duo Security
Two-Step Login provides an extra layer of security on websites and services like MyUI, ICON, Office 365, and Employee Self Service. It uses multifactor authentication to protect your academic, personal, or financial information.
UCC Core Scheduling
Schedule space in University Capitol Centre (UCC) for meetings or conferences.
UI BioShare
UI BioShare provides researchers access to a single software application to manage and house both research subject and sample data. It allows for lab/repository privacy and security while providing a single location for prospective collaborators.
UI Events Calendar
The UI events calendar is a listing of events sponsored by University of Iowa departments and organizations or student organizations on campus. Events are open to the public and held on campus or in surrounding communities.
UI Learn
UI Learn ( is an online course storefront, payment processing, and certificate generation platform that allows external users to sign up for non-academic courses.
UI-DeviceNet is a network to connect gaming, entertainment, and other approved devices to the internet (Apple TV, Xbox, PlayStation, Roku, etc.)
UI-Guest Wi-Fi
Visitors to the University of Iowa (UI) campus can enjoy free guest wireless service without having to obtain a guest ID.
UICapture creates and streams digital recordings of audio, video, and screen content via a software application called Panopto that is installed on either Windows, macOS, iOS, or Android.
Universal Workflow
Universal Workflow enables electronic routing and approval of forms, documents and other data.
University Classrooms
University Classrooms, formally known as General Assignment Classrooms, are used by all departments across campus and supported by Learning Spaces Technology group.
University of Iowa Enterprise Password Policy
This policy has guidelines for passwords, both for HawkID and HealthCareID accounts.
University of Iowa Mobile App
The University of Iowa's official mobile app provides a convenient way for University of Iowa students to stay organized and manage their academic career and extracurricular activities.
Video Conferencing
Web and video conferencing comprises of several different services: Zoom, H.323/IP-based room conferencing, Microsoft Teams, and Skype for Business.
Video Surveillance
The University of Iowa has implemented video surveillance to protect the safety and property of our community, while avoiding unnecessary intrusions.
Virtual Desktop
Web-based access to select applications from anywhere and on almost any platform.
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
The UI VPNs provide secure remote access to University resources from off-campus.
Virtual Server
In simple terms, virtualization means that we will employ one big server instead of many smaller ones. The current ratio is about 35 to 1, meaning 1 big server will do the work of 35 smaller ones.
Vulnerability Scanning & Penetration Testing
Network scans of computer system(s) to identify active communication paths and potential vulnerabilities.
Walk-in Software Support and Troubleshooting
Current students can bring in their personal computers to the ITS Help Desk for software installations, upgrades or troubleshooting.
Web and IT Accessibility
The University of Iowa is committed to providing equal opportunities to all, including equal access to information, programs, and activities delivered through its official web resources.
Web Hosting (Windows/IIS)
Central web-hosting service for the University of Iowa using Microsoft IIS technology.
The wiki service is an online collaboration tool. Users are able to create and manage their own wiki space.
Microsoft Windows is a computer operating system. Find instructions on how to install Windows, as well as troubleshooting tips and tricks.
Windows Encryption (Bitlocker)
The service is for Faculty, Staff, and IT Support for encrypting, troubleshooting, and accessing their Bitlocker recovery keys.
Zoom is a web conferencing service that allows application sharing, breakout rooms, recording sessions, screen sharing, instant messaging and more.